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Making a re-hauled Single Player mod- question about morale recovery

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2017 3:28 pm
by TheBaymonster
Working on an overhaul mod of single player game play, and one issue I'm focusing on is morale. The goal is to make the battles feels more organic with natural ebb and flow. There's a lot of mods already out there, but I believe we still have room to improve immersion. Anyway, in order to achieve this, I am reducing casualty rates, but also making units break faster. None of this is an issue, and we've all known how to modify these effects through the battledef.ini for quite some time.

But I'm not sure how to make morale recover faster. You can modify the unitattributes file and have Commanders rally units quicker, but I am unaware if there is a way to make regiments gain morale back at a quicker rate by themselves when they are away from combat. I'm hoping it isn't hard-coded.

The mod is nearly complete and I'm happy with it, but I'd really like to hear from others if they know anything of addressing this issue before I release it.