Gettysburg - New Ground, New Flags

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Re: Gettysburg - New Ground, New Flags

Post by RebBugler »

Was the Sandbox set on Hunt Them Down? Line of Sight creates objectives for me but Hunt Them Down does not.. My mod folder is empty besides this mod.
Yes. A correction with my observations, I'm getting one objective and five waypoints when I select six objectives. But this happens regardless of whether this mod is activated or not.
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Re: Gettysburg - New Ground, New Flags

Post by Burdy323 »

Was the Sandbox set on Hunt Them Down? Line of Sight creates objectives for me but Hunt Them Down does not.. My mod folder is empty besides this mod.
Yes. A correction with my observations, I'm getting one objective and five waypoints when I select six objectives. But this happens regardless of whether this mod is activated or not.
That's extremely bizarre. I get 1 objective and 0 waypoints. Any idea what could be causing this? Like I said, I emptied the mod folder and only have the mod in the folder, with the bug only occurring when the mods enabled.
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Re: Gettysburg - New Ground, New Flags

Post by RebBugler »


My bad...Those objective icons were rendered as stealth for the GbNG scenarios. Those objectives are event triggers for the AI and are hidden purposely from the player. In order to hide them on the mini map the Map_Icons file had to be altered. Delete or rename this file in Graphics/Screens to enable all objectives in Sandbox play.
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Re: Gettysburg - New Ground, New Flags

Post by DarkRob »


My bad...Those objective icons were rendered as stealth for the GbNG scenarios. Those objectives are event triggers for the AI and are hidden purposely from the player.
Just a little bit off topic here, but I want to say I absolutely love the idea of stealth objectives, even for the player. Maybe something could be implemented for the next SOW game. Perhaps they could be hidden until the player properly occupies them and then they would appear normally. It could add alot of awesome challenge to the game. Either way stealth objectives are an awesome idea.
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Re: Gettysburg - New Ground, New Flags

Post by mike1984 »

Late Afternoon. Following a very brief respite, rebel troops fall upon the Federal positions on Cemetery Hill with great fury. Von Steinwehr's 2nd Division, XI Corps bears the brunt of the assault, engaging in hand-to-hand combat all along the lines near the foot of the hill. Wave after wave of rebels come at the Union men, as the batteries of the XI and I Corps unleash grape and canister into the gray tide.
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As the first line falls back up Cemetery Hill, the second Union line waits with rifles loaded. The 1st and 3rd Divisions of the XI Corps, though battered from a long day's fight, stun the rebels with a volley. But the southerners keep coming.
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On East Cemetery Hill, the 1st Division, I Corps has taken position behind stone walls and supported by three batteries of artillery. Early's rebel division works its way around the hill toward what would be later known as Steven's Knoll. But A.S. Williams' 1st Division, XII Corps has double-quicked its way up Culps Hill, beating the rebels to the summit.
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The rebels are caught in a crossfire between the I and XII Corps.
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The north side of Cemetery Hill is giving way to the relentless attacks from Pender's Division of Hill's Corps, which has taken up the offensive from Heth's Division. The situation for the Federals is looking more dire by the minute.
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The rebels sweep up and over Cemetery Hill as the XI Corps breaks southward. The XII Corps defense of Culp's Hill is now in jeopardy, and forces them back with heavy losses. Early's Division captures the summit.
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To the west, Heth and Pender's divisions push south along the Emmitsburg Road, where Union troops from the XI and I Corps are aided by Buford's dismounted cavalry. The Federals put up a tough fight, but are forced to fall back when the defenses of Cemetery Hill collapse.
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Having shifted the batteries southward ahead of the rebel success, a makeshift defense has been set up near the Leister Farm, north of Power's Hill. But the rebel offensive slows once the two hills are captured. It allows the Union troops to reorganize to some degree. It's a critical mistake by Lee's army.
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Just before nightfall, a weak attack is launched by elements of Rodes' Division, but is beaten off by the XI Corps men that have rallied.
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During the night, the Army of the Potomac falls back to the Powers' Hill line, heavily supported by artillery and behind several creeks. The Army of Northern Virginia has enjoyed wild success on Day One, but it does not appear the Federals will order a general retreat to the Pipe Creek Line.
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Thoughts on Day 1.

I was badly unprepared for the rebel assault in the evening. I had assumed it would not be an all-out, go-for-broke attempt to capture the hills. I had to restart several times to figure out the best way forward. Turns out, there is almost no way for the Union side to defend Cemetery and Culp's hills if the rebel assault happens before the end of the day. There are simply too many rebel troops against too few and too weak Union troops. If I were to attempt to mount a defense of the top of the fish hook, it would have had to been during the initial retreat from the McPherson-Oak Hill-Rock Creek line north of town. Instead of just running back through town as fast as possible to avoid casualties, it's best to conduct a fighting retreat to stall the rebels as far from Cemetery Hill as possible. In fact, it should be every Union commander's objective on Day 1 to keep the rebels completely north of town. Then under cover of night, fall back quickly to Cemetery Hill.

The scenario changes drastically if the hills are lost, as the Union commander must then start planning offensive operations on the right flank in order to recapture at least Culp's Hill. I attempt this on Day 2, which I will post as soon as I can.
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Last edited by mike1984 on Mon Mar 12, 2018 12:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Gettysburg - New Ground, New Flags

Post by mike1984 »

July 2. Dawn. The situation for the Army of the Potomac remains precarious. The Army of Northern Virginia firmly controls Cemetery Hill and Culp's Hill, the former packed with artillery. There is no early morning assault by the rebels. I'm preparing to probe the defenses of Culp's Hill, since an assault on Cemetery Hill would be suicide.
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The lead regiments of the II Corps arrived and filed into position along Cemetery Ridge, relieving several brigades of the I Corps.
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It doesn't appear I would need to defend Cemetery Ridge against a frontal assault from Seminary Ridge, but the II Corps is positioned to defend from both the north and west. The reserves for this sector are the 1st and 3rd Divisions, I Corps.
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Lockwood's 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, XII Corps has been sent out as pickets overnight, supported by the 4 guns of Kinzie's 5th U.S. Battery K. This will become the launching point for the assault on upper Culp's Hill.
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Re: Gettysburg - New Ground, New Flags

Post by mike1984 »

Morning. It appears the rebels got antsy, launching probing attacks against the right and center of my line. This has forced my hand a bit, but fortunately I have at least the XII Corps in position to order the first wave onto Culp's Hill. Geary's 2nd Division attacks north from the Lightner Farm, dressing its left flank by the Baltimore Pike. Williams' 1st Division emerges from the Wolf Hill woods, attacking northwest to support Geary's right and clear Benner's Hill of any rebel forces.
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West of the Baltimore Pike, the 3nd Division, XI Corps troops move north to guard the 2nd Division, XII Corps' flank, where a brigade from Heth's Division have moved to engage. Along the Taneytown Road, the Iron Brigade and Bucktail Brigade defend against a brigade of rebels from Pender's Division.
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The XII Corps hits the rebels defending Culp's Hill and push them back off the lower summit. The 1st Division works its way due north, attempting to work the right near Rock Creek. The 2nd Division aims directly at the summit, with Candy's 1st Brigade in the van, followed by Greene's 3rd and Cobham's 2nd Brigade. The 1st Brigade stretches its line from near the Baltimore Pike east to link up with the 1st Division. Heavy fighting ensues, as the Union men press on toward the summit, where the rebels have placed two batteries and several infantry regiments.
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At the same time the XII Corps stepped off for Culp's Hill, I ordered the 3rd and 2nd Divisions from the V Corps to make ready to support the assault. First to arrive in the area was the Pennsylvania Reserves under Crawford, which filed into position behind the XII Corps already engaged. The Reserves move forward to relieve the 1st Division and part of the 2nd Division, XII Corps, as the rebels begrudgingly give ground. A few gallant bayonet charges by men of the 60th and 137th New York regiments capture or route several rebel artillery pieces, but not before a few rounds of canister tore through the blue lines. On the far right, a few regiments from the 1st Division, XII Corps clear Benner's Hill, allowing the Corps artillery to advance. The action begins to settle down as the Federal assault captures Culp's Hill. But it appears the rebels aren't done yet.
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To be continued...
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Last edited by mike1984 on Mon Mar 12, 2018 11:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Gettysburg - New Ground, New Flags

Post by mike1984 »

Before I know it, the rebels launch a ferocious counterattack from Cemetery Hill towards west Culp's Hill. Fortunately, the 2nd Division, V Corps of U.S. Regulars is arriving near the Spangler Farm. The two forces collide and the situation quickly turn very bloody, with hand-to-hand combat and close range fire. The only non-Regular brigade in the division, Weed's 3rd Brigade sprint into the center of the rebel line. The 140th New York and 155th Pennsylvania suffer more than 500 combined casualties in a matter of minutes. Day's 2nd Brigade of Regulars takes position where Geary's exhausted XII Corps division can no longer hold.
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The rebels are routed. But yet another wave of gray is marching toward the V Corps men. Weed's brigade was nearly shattered in its attempt to save the Union position along the Baltimore Pike, and support from Day's Regulars on Culp's Hill aren't enough to hold against another fresh attack. This is where the first regiments of the VI Corps arrive on the field. With no rest after their forced march from Manchester, MD, Nevin's 3rd Brigade, 3rd Division charges up the Baltimore Pike, where Weed's Brigade vacated earlier. The Pennsylvania men shock the rebels, forcing them to retreat in confusion. Eustis's 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, VI Corps moves to the right, assuming the positions held by the U.S. Regulars. Shaler's 1st Brigade relieves Burbank's 2nd Brigade of Regulars on the left where Schurz's XI Corps men defended earlier. With the arrival of the VI Corps division, this sector is secure from any further rebel attack.

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Up next: The Union Left
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Last edited by mike1984 on Mon Mar 12, 2018 11:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Gettysburg - New Ground, New Flags

Post by mike1984 »

Sorry for the delay. I'll eventually get to Day 2, Left Flank.

I'm currently at the end of Day 1 in another runthrough, this time with the 15 min night sequences. I'm noticing a lot of the same issues--unable to get the rebs to back off, even though I command Cemetery Hill and all units are resting at the end of Day 1. In fact, the 15-min night sequences caused a new headache--the rebs now continue their ferocious attack, but all of it is at night when visibility is near zero. I think I have to play around with the timing of everything a little more.

I may be asking more questions about the script as I look through it.
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Re: Gettysburg - New Ground, New Flags

Post by mike1984 »

On second thought, let me just get this out of the way.

Day 2, the Union Left. South of Cemetery Ridge, the Union position is nearly identical to the historical defense, with the II Corps anchored on the ridge, while the 3rd Corps is in its advanced salient from the Emmitsburg Road to Devil's Den. The rebels launch their attack on the Peach Orchard first, followed by waves against the 2nd Division, III Corps along the road, and in the south against Ward's and DeTrobroiand's 1st Division brigades in the rocks and wheatfield, respectively. The rebels do not seem to care about Little Round Top.
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Final positions on Day 2.
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Last edited by mike1984 on Thu Mar 29, 2018 11:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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