Gettysburg - New Ground, New Flags

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Re: Gettysburg - New Ground, New Flags

Post by mike1984 »

As I've progressed through this scenario, I've saved it periodically (ex. GBurg_Full_Day1a, GBurg_Full_Day1b, etc.) so that if something were to go terribly wrong in a gamey sense (I've lost a few surrendered regiments that weren't "legit" surrenders, if you know what I mean) I don't have to restart the whole scenario.

Another way I've found it possibly to play this size scenario the way I'm used to (the GCM method of TC'ing every regiment) is to pause the game as I go. Yes, it takes much longer, but since I'm only playing about an hour at a time, it's better for me than slamming my head against a wall bc the friendly AI does something ridiculous. I've got the time.

But as for the Cemetery Hill hidden objective, that clears some of it up. So far I've had to restart from my saved spot around 8:45 p.m. several times, out of pure frustration with the rebel onslaught. It seems that no matter what I do, the rebels *never* fall back from the assault on Cemetery Hill, even if I control 80% of it. But now that you've explained how the script is structured, I believe there's a slight flaw in it. I agree it should be challenging, but not impossible, to hold Cemetery Hill that evening. No sense in just having the rebs halt in town like they did historically.

Because the field is rather tight in that area between the town and the top of the hill, "unless engaged" seems like it will always cause the rebs to continue their attack until the bitter end. I first noticed it when I controlled most of Cemetery Hill during the nighttime lull, but then immediately upon resuming, the rebels were right there again coming on as if nothing had changed from the previous evening.

I realize there are limits to what you can do with the script, as the whole appeal of this game is that things are fluid and not rigid (read: boring). But if there is almost no chance the rebels call off the assault on Cemetery Hill by the end of the first day, what's the point in trying to hold the hill at all as the Federals? It's become nothing more than a meat grinder, with both sides shoving more and more troops into the massive tempest of slaughter. Up until this point in the game, the rebels conduct the offensive operations in a very realistic way, as shown earlier in the AAR. Line firing, working the flanks, the occasional charge/melee. But once things center on Cemetery Hill, it reminds me of one of those massive GCM column charges (which I've been both the perpetrator and victim on many occasions).

Is there any way to have the rebels call of the assault just before the end of Day 1, and do so even if some of the regiments are engaged? Or, maybe move the objective farther south, so that the Federals have the opportunity to move out of rifle range of the rebels, yet still hold a controlling portion of the hill? That should, theoretically, force the rebels to call off the attack in the late evening.

Wow, that got much longer than I intended. Sorry about that.
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Re: Gettysburg - New Ground, New Flags

Post by RebBugler »

Good feedback there Mike, you're understanding at least the intentions of this scenario. Only way to avoid that "meat grinder" on the Hills the next day is delay and detour Rebel attacks AWAY from the Hills the first day. Still you must maintain a brigade-sized presence on each Hill to activate the mentioned stealth objectives. Another thing, the next day new objectives pop up on each Hill that must be constantly maintained or Anderson's Division, and later on the third day Pickett's Division, will reinforce the Rebels holding the Hills...Flipping this scenario to a totally alternative history epic battle where the Union MUST go on the offensive.
Last edited by RebBugler on Tue Feb 20, 2018 3:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Gettysburg - New Ground, New Flags

Post by mike1984 »

That helps a ton, thanks. So if I'm understanding how the end of Day 1 works, I should not order a full retreat. Rather a steady, fighting withdrawal, forcing the rebels to hack their way southward, will increase the chances that I can keep them off Cemetery Hill until nightfall. Then during the night lull, I can pull back to Cemetery Hill and they *should* not order an assault on the hills. Also, in theory, maintaining contact with the enemy during the retreat, I would "pull" them in the directions I'd rather they go, or at the very least, spread them out to avoid a concentrated rebel assault on Cemetery Hill.

Well now I'm tempted to restart and try that out! But I'll probably just fall back off Cemetery Hill and prepare to go on the offensive. But I sure am itching to redo this knowing how the AI may respond to a different strategy.
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Re: Gettysburg - New Ground, New Flags

Post by mike1984 »

After two more go-arounds, I've realized that if the rebels had pushed on Cemetery Hill on the real July 1, 1863, they probably would've taken it. Quite frankly, it seems damned-near impossible to hold the hill in this scenario. I ended the game after Day 1, just to see the full casualties. Early's Division took 75%(!) casualties attacking Culps Hill and East Cemetery Hill. Rodes' Division took nearly 70% casualties. They only got Cemetery Hill. But there's essentially no rebels left, save for a few batteries, east of Gettysburg. I may make one more try on this one from the saved point, and fall back for real this time to the Powers Hill line.

To be continued...
Last edited by mike1984 on Tue Feb 20, 2018 10:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Gettysburg - New Ground, New Flags

Post by mike1984 »

Still working on this. Turns out I need to fall back *farther* that I thought to force the rebs to disengage after the night sequence. But I do have another suggestion: make the nights last a little longer. If a player doesn't want to wait them out, they can always speed up the game clock. But the night time is critical for re-positioning after a long days fight. Without that ability, it kind of takes away from the feel that this is a multi-day battle.
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Re: Gettysburg - New Ground, New Flags

Post by RebBugler »

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Re: Gettysburg - New Ground, New Flags

Post by mike1984 »

Wow, greatly appreciated!
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Re: Gettysburg - New Ground, New Flags

Post by Burdy323 »


Love the map. Slight problem though - whenever the map is enabled in the mods, it breaks the objective #'s in Sandbox mode (e.g you set any objective # over 1 and you'll still get 1). Why is that? It effects every map in the game when the mod is enabled (and it really sucks because i'd love to setup some drawn out skirmishes on this new Gettysburg in particular!)
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Re: Gettysburg - New Ground, New Flags

Post by RebBugler »


Love the map. Slight problem though - whenever the map is enabled in the mods, it breaks the objective #'s in Sandbox mode (e.g you set any objective # over 1 and you'll still get 1). Why is that? It effects every map in the game when the mod is enabled (and it really sucks because i'd love to setup some drawn out skirmishes on this new Gettysburg in particular!)
I can't replicate this issue. With this mod enabled I selected six objectives in a Sandbox game and when the game started there were six objectives available on the map.

A Sandbox mod could possibly cause this issue but your connection of this mod being enabled causing it rules that out.
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Re: Gettysburg - New Ground, New Flags

Post by Burdy323 »


Love the map. Slight problem though - whenever the map is enabled in the mods, it breaks the objective #'s in Sandbox mode (e.g you set any objective # over 1 and you'll still get 1). Why is that? It effects every map in the game when the mod is enabled (and it really sucks because i'd love to setup some drawn out skirmishes on this new Gettysburg in particular!)
I can't replicate this issue. With this mod enabled I selected six objectives in a Sandbox game and when the game started there were six objectives available on the map.

A Sandbox mod could possibly cause this issue but your connection of this mod being enabled causing it rules that out.
Was the Sandbox set on Hunt Them Down? Line of Sight creates objectives for me but Hunt Them Down does not.. My mod folder is empty besides this mod.
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