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how use Amoveto order for modding

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2019 7:56 pm
by chee
I want to put some regiments in right direction,,but could you teach us


what are these formation order mean? and how to use them ?

Re: how use Amoveto order for modding

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 4:47 am
by RebBugler
Checkout a battlescript.csv file in one of the mods that contains scenarios. Open the scenario file to find the battlescript file. Open the battlescript file with MS Excel (or another spreadsheet) for the best platform for observation and editing/scripting of the functions and commands.

Studying mods was key to how I learned to mod, as well as how to ask more specific questions. Hope I helped answer your question, but without more information it was just a shot in the dark.

Regardless, ask away, modders are always welcome, they are the lifeblood of games that are no longer supported by patch development.

Re: how use Amoveto order for modding

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 11:21 pm
by chee
yeah I have studied the csv and learn a lot ...then my SP 01 senario based on NGCM mp come out

Re: how use Amoveto order for modding

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 11:23 pm
by chee
it is worthy to be studied further is not too hard and it is great