Grade points and Melee calculations

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Re: Grade points and Melee calculations

Post by 52ndOx »

Fun scenario. It can be won rather cheaply as I demonstrated in my main series.
Yes I saw. But that method is not for me, especially as it also ruins the follow-on scenario.

I know I could have got more points with D'Erlon by TC'ing. But it would have been less enjoyable. And less challenging. I really enjoy beating the AI with its own algorithms. That's why I want to understand them.
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Re: Grade points and Melee calculations

Post by DarkRob »

I know I could have got more points with D'Erlon by TC'ing. But it would have been less enjoyable. And less challenging. I really enjoy beating the AI with its own algorithms. That's why I want to understand them.
To some degree I agree with that, and to some I don't. While I do play HITS with full on AI control as well, I do it more for fun and just the experience and atmosphere of it all. I don't consider it a true test of my skill, because ultimately, youre really just letting the AI fight itself. And the AI isn't nearly as good at the game, either strategically or tactically, as I am. But it is fun, no doubt about it. And it is a good way to get yourself into one ruckus of a battle.
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Re: Grade points and Melee calculations

Post by 52ndOx »

I know I could have got more points with D'Erlon by TC'ing. But it would have been less enjoyable. And less challenging. I really enjoy beating the AI with its own algorithms. That's why I want to understand them.
To some degree I agree with that, and to some I don't. While I do play HITS with full on AI control as well, I do it more for fun and just the experience and atmosphere of it all. I don't consider it a true test of my skill, because ultimately, youre really just letting the AI fight itself. And the AI isn't nearly as good at the game, either strategically or tactically, as I am. But it is fun, no doubt about it. And it is a good way to get yourself into one ruckus of a battle.
Sure. I completely understand your point of view.
I have played many RTS games with intense micro-management of all aspects of the game play. It can be a lot of fun.

I see it differently here though.
I know enough about SOW already (although I am just starting) to be sure that it is like most SP games - in respect of that I can beat the AI easily because, however well it is scripted, it is just that - scripted.

The real challenge for me in this game, because the concept allows it, is to beat the AI at its own game, using itself. To win that way is my real test of skill. There is no real challenge the other way. We are just too smart and imaginative.

But to understand how the AI works, and how the game mechanics work, and how my officers' traits affect their actions, and so be able to optimize the use of my own AI resources to get the better of the enemy's AI resources - that is the biggest challenge.

And luckily that is also a good simulation.
A Napoleonic unit commander was not going around the battlefield overriding his junior officers' ground level tactics, even if he knew he could do it better himself.
He was devising strategy based on the orders from his own superiors, giving orders, and trusting them to be carried out at a tactical level in the way that the juniors have been trained.

That you can do that in SOW is a huge plus for me.
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Re: Grade points and Melee calculations

Post by DarkRob »

I know I could have got more points with D'Erlon by TC'ing. But it would have been less enjoyable. And less challenging. I really enjoy beating the AI with its own algorithms. That's why I want to understand them.
To some degree I agree with that, and to some I don't. While I do play HITS with full on AI control as well, I do it more for fun and just the experience and atmosphere of it all. I don't consider it a true test of my skill, because ultimately, youre really just letting the AI fight itself. And the AI isn't nearly as good at the game, either strategically or tactically, as I am. But it is fun, no doubt about it. And it is a good way to get yourself into one ruckus of a battle.
Sure. I completely understand your point of view.
I have played many RTS games with intense micro-management of all aspects of the game play. It can be a lot of fun.

I see it differently here though.
I know enough about SOW already (although I am just starting) to be sure that it is like most SP games - in respect of that I can beat the AI easily because, however well it is scripted, it is just that - scripted.

The real challenge for me in this game, because the concept allows it, is to beat the AI at its own game, using itself. To win that way is my real test of skill. There is no real challenge the other way. We are just too smart and imaginative.

But to understand how the AI works, and how the game mechanics work, and how my officers' traits affect their actions, and so be able to optimize the use of my own AI resources to get the better of the enemy's AI resources - that is the biggest challenge.

And luckily that is also a good simulation.
A Napoleonic unit commander was not going around the battlefield overriding his junior officers' ground level tactics, even if he knew he could do it better himself.
He was devising strategy based on the orders from his own superiors, giving orders, and trusting them to be carried out at a tactical level in the way that the juniors have been trained.

That you can do that in SOW is a huge plus for me.
You can do that in Scourge of War, to a point. There are some scenarios in the game that I just don't believe are winnable playing purely with AI control(Wavre: "Pursue the Enemy" chief among them, but there are others)

The AI just doesn't attack hard or fast enough as needs to be done in many cases, even on all out attack.
So many times you have to take over to force the issue. However, there are many more scenarios that can be won playing only with AI control than there are that can't. So youve still got plenty more content to play with.
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Re: Grade points and Melee calculations

Post by RebBugler »

Besides kills, points are gained by forcing withdrawals, retreats, routs, and of course, captures. I wanted to point to these stats but I can't find the pertinent file. Used to be unitattributes, searched in vain, but the game has evolved and I obviously didn't keep up with some stuff. Maybe someone in the know will chime in.
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Re: Grade points and Melee calculations

Post by 52ndOx »

Besides kills, points are gained by forcing withdrawals, retreats, routs, and of course, captures. I wanted to point to these stats but I can't find the pertinent file. Used to be unitattributes, searched in vain, but the game has evolved and I obviously didn't keep up with some stuff. Maybe someone in the know will chime in.
That probably explains my surplus in this scenario. The Prussian cavalry spend the last 10 minutes approaching our squares and then retreating (as well as some of them dying of course).

In fact this is covered in the manual (albeit without any info about values) :blush:
A fighting unit will earn Combat Points every time it accomplishes any of the following:
  • Causing an enemy casualty
  • Causing an enemy unit to fallback (without orders), retreat (without orders), break, or rout
  • Capturing an enemy gun, infantry or cavalry regiment, or ordnance wagon
  • Killing an enemy commander
Last edited by 52ndOx on Fri Jul 12, 2019 3:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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