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Sabres and bayonets, alternative strategy.

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2019 6:05 pm
by 52ndOx

There is more than one way to skin a cat. :P

I find Alten's goal of 1000pts for a Major Victory less than trivial.
DarkRob has an efficient strategy involving building his fortresses and advancing cautiously.

You can however win this scenario without resorting to formations that to the best of my knowledge were never seen on any Napoleonic battlefield - if like me that is your thing. :)

I kept Halkett's brigade sheltered by the ridge in square, with the artillery supporting, and sent von Kielmansegg's brigade over to to the right where they are not targeted by french guns, and can anyway use defensive terrain around Hougoumont with advantage.
There are a lot of targets to be found over there with no risk.

It was a comfortable Major Victory with 1206 points, but infantry based with 651 kills to them against only 273 from the batteries.
Infantry also gets a lot of points from forcing retreats.

We lost only 33 to enemy artillery, and 24 of those where to Baring's KGL troops in La Haye Sainte. So our infantry is pretty safe from bombardment because they don't advance.

It wasn't because the French were passive. Our biggest loss (79 out of a total of 112) came when the 9th Regiment Cuirassiers charged the 1st Yorkshire Regiment to melee even though their square was firm. Without that rare event, our overall losses would have been very low, making it easier to get the point margin required for MV.

Position near the end: (screenshot re-uploaded)
savsba01.jpg (1 MiB) Viewed 1173 times