KS Mod - Questions regarding functionality

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KS Mod - Questions regarding functionality

Post by Buford_119 »

I recently installed the KS mod and have been playing several scenarios with this mod activated. However, I am noticing significant reluctance of infantry units to open fire, with several instances of units standing and taking casualties without returning fire at all. The units then retreat and reform, with this cycle continuing several times.

Has this issue been noted before, and if so, what is the fix?
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Re: KS Mod - Questions regarding functionality

Post by Saddletank »

Have you got the volley fire button activated on the unit that is not shooting? Units will use volley fire only at certain ranges and will not shoot until a target enters that range.
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Re: KS Mod - Questions regarding functionality

Post by Buford_119 »

This case occurs regardless of whether volley fire has been enabled. The units will often retreat after suffering only one or two casualties from their opponents.
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Re: KS Mod - Questions regarding functionality

Post by Buford_119 »

There appears to be an issue with range determination, LOS, or both. I was just playing the "Picton's Rascals" scenario, and was receiving fire (and taking significant casualties) from enemy units over 120 yards away. My units would largely just remain in place while taking fire, before retreating due to significant casualties suffered.
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Re: KS Mod - Questions regarding functionality

Post by DarkRob »

There appears to be an issue with range determination, LOS, or both. I was just playing the "Picton's Rascals" scenario, and was receiving fire (and taking significant casualties) from enemy units over 120 yards away. My units would largely just remain in place while taking fire, before retreating due to significant casualties suffered.
The KS mod isn't really meant to be used with the stock scenarios from the stock game. It comes with its own scenarios. It also has a pretty sophisticated scenario generator of its own. But the stock scenarios were really meant to be used with the stock game, not the KS mod.
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Re: KS Mod - Questions regarding functionality

Post by Buford_119 »

Is there a reason why French units 125 yards from my troops would be able to consistently inflict casualties? This would not seem to be working as intended.
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Re: KS Mod - Questions regarding functionality

Post by DarkRob »

Is there a reason why French units 125 yards from my troops would be able to consistently inflict casualties? This would not seem to be working as intended.
It could be any number of reasons besides just the range. It could be a LOS issue, it could be facing, or formations even. For instance, as an example, in the KS mod units can fire while in the column by division formation at a large disadvantage when shooting it out with an enemy unit in line, but in the stock game, units do not even fire from column by division and will automatically transition into line to fire. The two games are completely different.

However, the maximum musket range in this game is 150 yards. Any two opposing units within that range and facing each other with LOS should begin firing at each other. And I've never seen that not be the case except when the Les Cent Jours mod first came out and the grog toolbar needed to be adjusted to work with it.
Last edited by DarkRob on Sat Dec 21, 2019 2:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: KS Mod - Questions regarding functionality

Post by Buford_119 »

My instance involved two units in line formation facing each other without any LOS blockage (as seen by the French regiment firing on my regiment). However, my regiment's target list had the French as "out of range" at 125 yards.

More broadly, could you elaborate on what the possible differences in stock scenarios could be with the KS mod? I believe that the battlescript would still fire preset events based on the course of the battle, unless this is also affected. So one would expect the macroscopic battle events to play out as they would in the stock game. Please let me know if this is incorrect.
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Re: KS Mod - Questions regarding functionality

Post by DarkRob »

My instance involved two units in line formation facing each other without any LOS blockage (as seen by the French regiment firing on my regiment). However, my regiment's target list had the French as "out of range" at 125 yards.
That shouldn't be possible. If this were the stock game we were talking about I would for sure say it is impossible or I would have an alternative explanation, but as most of us here aren't experts on the inner workings of the KS Mod, my best suggestion is to screenshot your situation and post it over on the KS forum: http://kriegsspiel.forumotion.net/f32-scourge-of-war
Uncle Billy or Digby should be able to help you out.
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