Multiplayer possibility?

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Slick Wilhelm
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Multiplayer possibility?

Post by Slick Wilhelm »

I don't know what's planned for the multi-player implementation of Gettysburg, but I thought of what may be a really fun method of play that I hope may be possible.

Wouldn't it be fun to be able to play either in co-op mode, or "we vs. they" multiplayer....where each person can take the role of a brigade commander, a division commander, a corp commander and General commanding? The chain of command is maintained, with the courier function used to send orders to each commander.

Maybe it's just me, but I think it would be fun to command, say, the Iron Brigade only during a battle. My neighboring brigades would be controlled by other humans or AI, depending on how many people are in the game.

I have no idea what the programming effort of something like this would entail(I bet it would be enormous), but it sure sounds like fun if you've got a good group of guys who are willing to adhere to the spirit of the chain of command.

The reason I thought this would be fun, is because of the challenges/headaches caused in real life(tm) by miscommunication, late-arriving orders, etc. that were an inherent part of civil war battles.

I suppose you could also do an ad-hoc form of this by using email outside of the game, but the idea of courier messages arriving in-game sure sounds like fun to me. :)

Anyway, just a fun dream that may be possible some day. Wouldn't it be nice to discover that this capability is already in Gettysburg! :woohoo:
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Re: Multiplayer possibility?

Post by estabu2 »

Maybe it is...
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Re: Multiplayer possibility?

Post by norb »

You can play like that. It's just like SP. Everyone picks whom they want to play and the AI controls everyone else.
Slick Wilhelm
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Re: Multiplayer possibility?

Post by Slick Wilhelm »

Wow! Including the courier feature? That's the best news I've heard all day! :cheer:
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Re: Multiplayer possibility?

Post by DrMike1997 »

Yes we have had discussions on this before and it may come up again, hopefully soon. should we allow teamspeak or chat in games? I don't think so :angry: but that is just me.

Unless they could code in smoe block of those function unless you were within 10 feet of each other then and only then would it be enabled. I can imagine riding half way across a battlefield to get clarification! But I'm pretty sure I'm dreaming there. We will have to take each other at our word.
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Re: Multiplayer possibility?

Post by norb »

We have always played with live chatting. It's much more fun IMO. We still use couriers to send private orders, as everyone can listen in to the talk. There is also a public text chat in the game. But the only way to privately give orders is to use the couriers. Unless, of course, you set up a private teamspeak server with your side.
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Re:Multiplayer possibility?

Post by Jim »

I expect that the issue of voice coms will end up being individual preference. Some will go for historical purity and communicate only by courier. Some will go for the social aspect and have voice coms running for the full game. We have tried to set things up so that everyone can have a good battle the way they want.

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Re:Multiplayer possibility?

Post by DrMike1997 »

Good that is as it should be!
Slick Wilhelm
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Re:Multiplayer possibility?

Post by Slick Wilhelm »

When I first started this thread, I was unaware that the courier was used for multiplayer. All I ever played in TC2 was single player. From everything I've read here tonight, playing Gettysburg in multiplayer mode is all I could have hoped for!

Thanks guys, I'm looking forward to supporting you with my dollars again. :)
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Re:Multiplayer possibility?

Post by Beagler »

I must admit that at first I had no desire for multiplayer. Just give me a good single player experience and I will be a happy camper. Well....after helping out with the multiplayer testing I have to say that I am hooked. The courier system for this game is far beyond what you had in TC2M. Trust me in that you will be pleased with the amount of information you can request and receive, especially with human teammates. And if all else fails, you can use voice commands to plead with your fellow brigade commander to send in the 8th Alabama to plug a hole, or chastise your division commander for letting the supporting artillery get overrun (both happened during last night's testing - it was great!)
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