How Did Norb Do This?

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Marching Thru Georgia
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How Did Norb Do This?

Post by Marching Thru Georgia »

I set up a corp vs corp Kansas sandbox scenario to retest my grand battery strategy with the new patch. I placed my 5 batteries in line about 20 yds in front of the infantry. My intention was to see if the artillery alone could hold off the enemy.

The last time I tried this, the enemy came at me with sucessive waves of brigades. One after the other, they would march into cannister range and disintegrate. In that scenario, my infantry never engaged. I had defeated two divisions with artillery alone.

This time things began in a similar vein. A rebel brigade assembled and marched into glory, lasting less than 2 minutes. After that, nothing happened for 5 minutes except that three rebel commanders rode over the hill and surveyed the matter. Then a couple of couriers brought them messages and they gallop back over the hill. A few minutes later another brigade marches towards me. I thought this was just going to repeat my first scenario; another wave crashing on the rocks. Nope! Instead, the brigade waits about 500 yards away for several more minutes while the rest of the division joins them, assembling in front of my center and right flank. I think, "this will be interesting. Let's see if the grand battery can shift and hold off a whole division." Nope.

The division stands there for several more minutes, when I notice that over on my left flank another division assembles. The AI has decided to throw its entire force at me!
Once everyone is assembled and the lines are dressed, the AI is in no hurry, both divisions advance simultaneously! I have never seen the AI perform like this before. To patiently assemble such a large force and to apply it like this is just what a human would do.

Needless to say, my grand battery wasn't going to stave off this assault, so I began to deploy my infantry. Too late. The rebels double timed it to my lines fixing my infantry just coming into formation, while tasking a regiment or two to capture my artillery, again just like a human! Since I was caught bunched up and half deployed, I never had a chance.

Hubris has a very bitter taste. Norb, how did you make the AI do this? :S
I can make this march and I will make Georgia howl.
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Re:How Did Norb Do This?

Post by Criztian »

I have to admit I find the AI to be absolutely brilliant in this game. Not perfect by any means, but it's damn good.

I only wish Norb would go over to the guys making the Total War series and spend a day or two with them and show them how it's done, because this game puts Total War to shame. And I'm referring to Napoleon Total War here, don't get me started on Empire....
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Re:How Did Norb Do This?

Post by Nilam »

Criztian wrote:
I have to admit I find the AI to be absolutely brilliant in this game. Not perfect by any means, but it's damn good.

I only wish Norb would go over to the guys making the Total War series and spend a day or two with them and show them how it's done, because this game puts Total War to shame. And I'm referring to Napoleon Total War here, don't get me started on Empire....

LOL,how very true. :laugh:
Braxton Bragg
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Re:How Did Norb Do This?

Post by Braxton Bragg »

Have too agree with you all, brilliant AI dead crafty!
Has anyone seen Norbs shop in the North of the town of Gettysburg? its just above the cemetery.

would also like to say what a work of art the manual is :)

Braxton Bragg
Last edited by Braxton Bragg on Sun May 02, 2010 4:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re:How Did Norb Do This?

Post by bscottskangum »

Criztian wrote:
I have to admit I find the AI to be absolutely brilliant in this game. Not perfect by any means, but it's damn good.
I think that is what makes the AI perfect. In all of warfare no human being has ever been perfect, if the AI were perfect then it would not give you the idea that you are facing an enemy commander.

The AI does some stupid things on occasion but that is what makes it seem more human like. There is a good mixture here, the AI can be brilliant but it can also be stupid. I think the game has struck just the right balance.
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Re:How Did Norb Do This?

Post by norb »

You're all trying to get on my good side :) Nothing pleases me more than when the AI looks like it's making some sense.

The AI uses a lot of randomness geared towards a tendency of the officer's abilities. It also is very chain of command based. Certain level officers can only do certain functions. It's lots of individuals thinking for themselves, but asking for orders from above. But it's also a lot of hours of game play by the team letting me know what's working and what isn't.
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Re:How Did Norb Do This?

Post by GShock »

I agree it plays brilliant.

If it was given a priority to keep troops more on covered ground it would really be near to perfection.

It surely is one of the best AI around and, considering the complexitities of its environment and the manpower committed to build it, that is an astonishing result.
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