Devil's Den, and the fighting 4th.

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Michael Slaunwhite
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Devil's Den, and the fighting 4th.

Post by Michael Slaunwhite »


I don't know how to explain this. Devil's den is a pain in my behind, and I also need to ask a question concerning the godlike status of the rebs, and why I'm not recapturing the hill for points.

Okay, everything started off as normal as normal can be (a group of men decided to have a few hands of poker before the rebs approached, until I rode up and told them I would shoot them myself if I ever see that again). I have the hill very well covered. After a bit, the godlike 9th Georgia which btw took 4 point blank canister shots into it's ranks (over half of their men perished), and it didn't even fizz them at all, soon I was pushed back off the hill, and I took the 4th Maine with me (rest of my men decided they have had enough, and went awol. If I ever find them I'll shoot them, I swear it), and stood next to Col. Jacob B Sweitzers left flank, and helped them support his cannon.

After awhile I noticed that the godlike rebs abandoned the hill to a point that a light bulb went off, and I rode over to my fighting, and brave 4th, and told them to follow me. Me, and the 4th ran like hell below and skirted the rebs already engaged by Col Jacobs men, and landed back on top of the hill to take possession.

The 4th were sweating like mad, but we recaptured the hill since the rebs decided they didn't need to hold onto it, I guess they figured that why bother protecting it since the yanks can't do anything right anyway.

Soon the rebels realized what had happened, and I got the men ready, I even let them have a smoke or two before what we knew was about to happen.

Soon the rebs began to approach, the 9th Georgia, 8th georgia, 5th Texas, and the 1st Michigan started to enage me, and the 4th of Maine.

You should have seen this battle, we not only countered every attack, but cracked the mighty unbeatable Confederates. They ran like you would never seen men run before (with the exception of course of my men who decided to call it quits).

Now I am wondering why since we have retaken the hill, how come I was not able to recapture it, and start racking up the points since all the rebs have retreated?

Even if I don't get any points for this, I will always be proud of the men of 4th of Maine.

Here is a picture showing me, and the 4th holding the hill, and we are denied possession.

Here are the pics describing a little bit of what happened.

Skirting the rebs. ... e_rebs.JPG[/img_size]
skirting_the_rebs.JPG (165.47 KiB) Viewed 210 times
Last edited by Michael Slaunwhite on Thu Sep 02, 2010 10:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Michael Slaunwhite
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Re:Devil's Den, and the fighting 4th.

Post by Michael Slaunwhite »

Confederates soon realize what I did, and began adjust their tactics, and attack. ... en0005.JPG[/img_size]
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Last edited by Michael Slaunwhite on Thu Sep 02, 2010 10:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Michael Slaunwhite
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Re:Devil's Den, and the fighting 4th.

Post by Michael Slaunwhite »

Start of the rebels breaking...soon to follow was the godlike 8th Georgia (not seen in photo) ... en0007.JPG[/img_size]
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Michael Slaunwhite
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Re:Devil's Den, and the fighting 4th.

Post by Michael Slaunwhite »

Finally, my fighting 4th, and me finally alone on the hill which cost us so much to (in my mind) regain. The confederates are broken, and we alone stand tall. ... en0008.JPG[/img_size]

So, why was I, and the 4th refused repossession, and gaining points?

I sure hope you have a good answer, because the 4th are looking at you 0_0 :pinch:

Later guys. This has to have been the best battle I ever had the pleasure taking part in. Thanks for a great scenario.

One more thing. I have never in any of the games I have in my possession, have the feeling of being proud before. I tell you, this is one kick arse's THE best game I have played in years. I have so many games, but never a game that I can say makes me proud, or totally peeved off depending on what has happened. :)

Have to go to bed, it's almost can I sleep though?
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Last edited by Michael Slaunwhite on Thu Sep 02, 2010 10:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Jack ONeill
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Re:Devil's Den, and the fighting 4th.

Post by Jack ONeill »


Hate to tell you this but you probably needed more in terms of numbers of men to rack up points. This has happened to all of us at some point, I'd venture a guess.

Yes this IS the kickass game of all time.


Jack B)
American by birth, Californian by geography, Southerner by the Grace of God.

"Molon Labe"
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Little Powell
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Re:Devil's Den, and the fighting 4th.

Post by Little Powell »

Yes, you were 46 men short of holding the OBJ. You need 200 men to hold it. :evil:

And thanks for the kind words about the game guys. :cheer:

Hint: Don't forget about your sharpshooter regiments and the other regiment near the Peach Orchard (sorry can't remember which one).

Double quick them to Devils Den at the beginning.. They will make a big difference. :)

Historically; Ward was basically mowed over by the Rebels, so you have to change history and use all of the forces available to you.
Last edited by Little Powell on Fri Sep 03, 2010 6:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re:Devil's Den, and the fighting 4th.

Post by nyy6242 »

Yeah Ward was hard pressed in Devil's Den. The problem for him really was that he was so stretched out. The 4th ME eventually moved to the devil's den area to stop a flanking movement by the rebs on the guns posted on Houke's Ridge. He had excellent ground to defend but was just outmanuevered, especially on his left flank. Overwhelming force cost him his position and much of his command. Unfortunately, he didn't utilize his sharp shooters enough in holding his position, they were posted mainly as skirmishers way off the flanks, out of range of giving any real support. Also, halfway through the devil's den/Houke's ridge battle, the 20th Indiana was stretched out twice its battle line's original length, which thinned its firepower considerably.
Michael Slaunwhite
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Re:Devil's Den, and the fighting 4th.

Post by Michael Slaunwhite »

Little Powell wrote:
Yes, you were 46 men short of holding the OBJ. You need 200 men to hold it. :evil:

And thanks for the kind words about the game guys. :cheer:

Hint: Don't forget about your sharpshooter regiments and the other regiment near the Peach Orchard (sorry can't remember which one).

Double quick them to Devils Den at the beginning.. They will make a big difference. :)

Historically; Ward was basically mowed over by the Rebels, so you have to change history and use all of the forces available to you.
Hi Little Powell.

First off, 46 men? Oh man that is a kick in the arse, but very good to know LP.

Oh, I was playing an earlier user scenario, and I held a victory location with more than 200 men, and it wasn't giving me possession, but once I joined the men holding the location, I immediately was given possession (I can't remember the scenario, sorry)odd? or is there something else I should be aware of?.

I've been playing non-stop in case the bad weather kills my power. Anyway, thanks again Little Powell for the great info about my sharpshooters, I have a great idea, so off to test out my new battle plan.

Cheers, and take care.
Jack ONeill
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Re:Devil's Den, and the fighting 4th.

Post by Jack ONeill »


Brother, you hit the nail without knowing it. "When you joined..." is exactly that. You need X amount of men AND an Officer to activate the victory point. That used to get me way back in the 1st. Bull Run days.

Jack B)
American by birth, Californian by geography, Southerner by the Grace of God.

"Molon Labe"
Michael Slaunwhite
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Re:Devil's Den, and the fighting 4th.

Post by Michael Slaunwhite »

Jack ONeill wrote:

Brother, you hit the nail without knowing it. "When you joined..." is exactly that. You need X amount of men AND an Officer to activate the victory point. That used to get me way back in the 1st. Bull Run days.

Jack B)
Howdy Jack!

Haaaaa doesn't that figure. :laugh:

I figured something out without even trying, well, well.

I guess maybe they may want to change this because playing brigade, it's just you, and your men, and it's pretty hard to rack up the points if there is more than one VP location.

Thanks Jack, and take care.
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