My first impressions of MP

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My first impressions of MP

Post by garyknowz »

Well, I played my first MP game (of any sort) last night. And the verdict is: it was a heck of a lot of fun!

I appreciate the patience shown to me by my compatriots while getting me up and going. Hopefully I wasn't too exasperating.

Once in the game, it took me quite a while to get used to the lag between command and action. My machine is custom built for gaming (dual GPUs, water-cooled, yada yada), so I'm used to an immediate response when I command a unit to a position, formation, etc... (barring courier play). By the middle of the scenario, I think I got the requisite timing down. But it wasn't until I took a walloping. I don't know who was playing Rodes, but he fell on my flank hard. And while I noticed the action earlier, I instinctively played as I usually do rapidly ordering troops hither and thither into position. But they just kept going on their merry way without any heed to my orders. I wasn't on TeamSpeak, but if I was, you would have heard a string of vulgarities aimed at my troops that would have made a sailor blush. But eventually I managed turned the chaos into a semblance of order, and held on for a while until forced to retreat due to overwhelming numbers. But talk about baptism by fire! My troops were sort of frazzled thereafter and not as effective as they should have been, but did alright given the circumstances (i.e., user error). But man, it was a good fight, and a heck of a lot of fun.

Thank you for encouraging me to give it a try, gentlemen. I'm looking forward to it doing it again soon.


P.S. Is the sort of lag described above typical or anomalous of MP games? It was usually a three seconds or so delay (e.g., I would order a unit to a location, and it took 3 seconds for the arrow to appear). Thanks!
Last edited by garyknowz on Sun Oct 31, 2010 5:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Sorry. I suffer from a serious case of typosis. Don't worry, it's not contagious :)
John Buford
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Re: My first impressions of MP

Post by John Buford »

Gratz on your baptisim by fire Gary!

We believe there are some issues with the latest patch. However with some of the complex OOB's and sheer number of players we are still trying to figure out what the real cuprit is.

It is not uncommon to see the delay/lag you describe. With your box setup, I'm sure it has no issues, it's just the software trying to keep everyone synched and not everyone has a monster machine like you.

I'm glad you enjoyed your first MP and I hope you will continue to. We all get a thrashing once in a while so don't worry about "performing". Just bring the good fight, and you will be fine!
"They will attack you in the morning and they will come booming–skirmishers three deep. You will have to fight like the devil until supports arrive."
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NY Cavalry
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Re: My first impressions of MP

Post by NY Cavalry »

We do get lag at times. Many games play very smooth with very little lag.
X Navy Seal
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Re: My first impressions of MP

Post by X Navy Seal »

Good game Gary! I believe that was "Stonewall" Seal controlling Rodes.:lol: You did just fine considering: (1) it was your first mp fight; (2) you had 11th corp; and (3) you were outnumbered and had no help whatsoever from RichMac (you will have to get used to this third factor I'm afraid)
Michael Slaunwhite
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Re: My first impressions of MP

Post by Michael Slaunwhite »

Well, I played my first MP game (of any sort) last night. And the verdict is: it was a heck of a lot of fun!

I appreciate the patience shown to me by my compatriots while getting me up and going. Hopefully I wasn't too exasperating.

Once in the game, it took me quite a while to get used to the lag between command and action. My machine is custom built for gaming (dual GPUs, water-cooled, yada yada), so I'm used to an immediate response when I command a unit to a position, formation, etc... (barring courier play). By the middle of the scenario, I think I got the requisite timing down. But it wasn't until I took a walloping. I don't know who was playing Rodes, but he fell on my flank hard. And while I noticed the action earlier, I instinctively played as I usually do rapidly ordering troops hither and thither into position. But they just kept going on their merry way without any heed to my orders. I wasn't on TeamSpeak, but if I was, you would have heard a string of vulgarities aimed at my troops that would have made a sailor blush. But eventually I managed turned the chaos into a semblance of order, and held on for a while until forced to retreat due to overwhelming numbers. But talk about baptism by fire! My troops were sort of frazzled thereafter and not as effective as they should have been, but did alright given the circumstances (i.e., user error). But man, it was a good fight, and a heck of a lot of fun.

Thank you for encouraging me to give it a try, gentlemen. I'm looking forward to it doing it again soon.


P.S. Is the sort of lag described above typical or anomalous of MP games? It was usually a three seconds or so delay (e.g., I would order a unit to a location, and it took 3 seconds for the arrow to appear). Thanks!
Hi garyknowz.

Now that you have had your introduction to the MP experience, have you signed up at yet? I think the Confederates require some new blood.

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Re: My first impressions of MP

Post by SouthernSteel »

Good game Gary! I believe that was "Stonewall" Seal controlling Rodes.:lol: You did just fine considering: (1) it was your first mp fight; (2) you had 11th corp; and (3) you were outnumbered and had no help whatsoever from RichMac (you will have to get used to this third factor I'm afraid)
I do believe I rather prefer the moniker X Navy Sickles
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Re: My first impressions of MP

Post by norb »

The little lag that you see everytime you give a command is inherent and you will get used to it pretty fast. The technical reason is that when you hit a command, it is then broadcast to everyone playing and then everyone executes that command at the same time to keep the games in sync.
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Re: My first impressions of MP

Post by garyknowz »

Thank you, gents!

Although I'm extremely competitive, I don't mind losing when playing with classy folk such as yourselves. But next time, I'll know more of what to expect pertaining to the delay and such. So don't get too used to it. ;)

Your pard,

P.S. Mike: I just joined up, but was attached to the Union battalion. See you on the field!
Last edited by garyknowz on Tue Nov 02, 2010 3:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Sorry. I suffer from a serious case of typosis. Don't worry, it's not contagious :)
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Re: My first impressions of MP

Post by SouthernSteel »

They probably used your first sign-up request. There's always sabotage!
"The time for compromises is past, and we are now determined to maintain our position and make all who oppose us smell Southern powder, feel Southern steel."
Jefferson Davis, 1861
Rich Mac
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Re: My first impressions of MP

Post by Rich Mac »

"you were outnumbered and had no help whatsoever from RichMac (you will have to get used to this third factor I'm afraid)
LOL...Ding goes the Karma!
Last edited by Rich Mac on Thu Nov 04, 2010 3:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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