Yes, RebBugler – that is it exactly, such a simple request that is logical, and so much resistance.Hmmm, sounds like a simple request; D wants the courier to spawn from the officer that's sending the order. And I agree, that would be more realistic than spawning from the top CO, who may be miles away.
I might have worded what was saying incorrectly, yes you can order one of the divisions, not have General Longstreet order the division.Hi Davinci, i tried replicating this last night, and i could not find a way in the courier menu to order longstreet to move a division. i could order one of longstreets divisional general to move, but that was it. Then the courier went from me (lee) to that general. That makes sense, as i ordered the general, not longstreet. How did you try do it?
But, that is not what I’m complaining about. This is after the fact that you have ordered a division to move, and you are now reversing-a-movement order.
Basically, if I click on Longstreet which I have placed nearer to the front line, and the battle situation has changed, using his toolbar button to reverse an order, using his toolbar to write the order, but the courier is sent not from him, but from Lee miles away.
The point here is that unless the courier left Longstreet, and rode over to Lee, and then Lee sent the courier message to that division – Lee shouldn’t have any knowledge that Longstreet ever reversed the order. Considering that they are miles apart from each other.
BTW – I’m pretty-sure that an Corps Command can be added to the Courier-Menu – I just never thought about adding one.