BLENHEIM MOD (with Blenheim Grenadiers add-on)

This is where our experts try to teach you the very flexible modding system for our previous release - SOW Gettysburg and its add-ons. It's powerful, but dangerous. Post your tips and your questions.
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BLENHEIM MOD (with Blenheim Grenadiers add-on)

Post by alessillo »


This is a mod about the War of the Spanish Succession, I chose this period because it has always fascinated me and has never been represented in a computer wargame. First of all I would like to thank Norb for SOW Gettysburg, a game that can be modded and immediately caught my attention for the possible changes that can be made; I can say that trying to make modifications to this game has become my hobby as it was to paint toy soldiers. I would also like to thank Wangrin for his models and Flikitos for his textures.

Click here to download the mod: ...
or here!rMFVBJqL!miYsyGQgW ... TOpozbUZZ4

Unzip and put Blenheim folder in the MODS folder of the game, disable all mods except for the maps and graphics mod like GCM_Terrain4, select Blenheim in the modifications screen and play.

Single player scenarios:
BLENHEIM, you take command of the Allied Army against the Franco-Bavarian Army in the battle that destroyed the myth of French invincibility;
BLENHEIM (French side), you take command of the Franco-Bavarian Army against the Duke of Malborough;
LUZZARA, you take the role of Prince Eugene of Savoy as commander of the Imperial Army;
LUZZARA (French saide), you take the role of the Duke of Vendôme commander of the French Army;
AMERDINGEN, it's a fictional battle in which you take the role of Maximilian II Elector of Bavaria, as commander of the Franco-Bavarian Army. Maximilian II rather than wait in the entrenched camp of Dillingen, decides to confront the enemy near the village of Amerdingen and prevent him from entering in Bavaria. The enemy army is more numerous but the right wing of the army of Marlborough is commanded by Louis William Margrave of Baden, a good friend of Maximilian II, so it is uncertain whether he will take part in the battle.
CHIARI, you take the role of Prince Eugene of Savoy as commander of the Imperial Army in one of the first battles of the War of the Spanish Succession;
SCHELLENBERG, you take the role of Jean Baptiste Count D'Arco and must try to repel the assault of Marlborough's Army.
The five battles listed above (Blenheim, Luzzara, Amerdingen, Chiari, Schellenberg) are also available in multiplayer.

Unfortunately there isn't a map editor for this awesome game, so I have changed some of the existing maps, making fortifications and changing the terrain. The rivers with light blue colour should be impassable, I say “should” because sometime the units succeed in passing them; the same for the walls of Donauworth in the Schellenberg map, I tried to make the walls impassable to prevent a flanking manouvre by the AI, but again sometimes the units get through the walls.

There are two types of infantry: 3 ranks and 4 ranks; the first is used by England, United Provinces, Denmark and the German states, the second by France, Spain, Savoy, Bavaria and the Hapsburg Empire. There are two formations available for infantry: line and column; all troops are slow and take time to deploy in battle formation.

The base unit of cavalry is the squadron, not the regiment; the handling of cavalry is the most difficult part of the mod, during the War of the Spanish Succession cavalry was more numerous than in the napoleonic period, for example at the battle of Blenheim on a total of 110,000 men engaged 35,000 were cavalry, whereas at Waterloo on a total of 136,000 men at the start of the battle, only 25,000 were cavalry. In this mod a cavalry squadron can't defeat a fresh infantry battalion, on the contrary a fresh infantry battalion can sustain up to 4 or 5 cavalry charges without being defeated; but during the battle infantry units get tired and suffer losses and then can be routed by a single cavalry charge.
In sandbox line of sight battle you will see that at the beginning of the fight the AI often send cavalry against infantry, I didn't find a way to prevent this behaviour, if you want to be fair you should react with your cavalry and engage the enemy cavalry, otherwise the AI will lose the most part of the cavalry against your infantry and you will win easily.

Artillery is the slowest arm in this mod, there are 4,6,8,9 and 12 lb guns, 7 lb howitzers and 3 lb battalion guns; the battalion guns are attached to the infantry brigades, firing canister shot they can be quite effective at close range. You must always protect your artillery from enemy cavalry, even a single squadron of 50 men can destroy an entire battery of 8 guns.

To determine the levels of the various units and commanders I used this source: “Sun King. A Module for Might and Reason 1689 to 1721” ( ... unKing.pdf), in this document are listed all types of cavalry and infantry units and a large part of the generals present in the battles.



NEW Blenheim Grenadiers add-on

Here ... you find the add-on

This mod add the grenadiers to the Blenheim mod. It replaces the csv files used in Blenheim Mod.
For Multi-Player games, you must delete or rename the Blenheim\Logistics folder.

This mod must be BELOW the Blenheim Mod on the modification screen.

1. English, Austrian, Bavarian, Prussian, Danish, Dutch, Hannoverian and Hessian sprites have been added.

2. OOBs are modified to take advantage of new sprites.

3. In multiplayer you find a new Schellenberg scenario, "MP2 - Battle of the Schellenberg V2", delete the old one in Blenheim\Scenarios because there was an error.
Last edited by alessillo on Sat Sep 13, 2014 4:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Pom »

I've been looking forward to this,downloading now,thanks alessillo.

Jack ONeill
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Post by Jack ONeill »


Thank you so much. Have it running now. Bloody Freakin' Awesome. Tank REALLY needs a new comp now. LOL!

American by birth, Californian by geography, Southerner by the Grace of God.

"Molon Labe"
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Post by Crikey »

Beautiful work. Such a talented modder. This is quality. B)

Thank you so much.


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Post by JohnVW »

got it...and will give it a try!! thanks...
Last edited by JohnVW on Mon Aug 25, 2014 6:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Ingles of the 57th
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Post by Ingles of the 57th »

I have now tried four times to download this mod using that wretched MediaFire.

Each time the download has terminated without finishing and leaves incomplete and or invalid files strewn around.

I have no problem whatsoever downloading other equally large files from other sources.

I suppose I must try now for a fifth time !

Geoff Laver
Late of Her Britannic Majesty's 57th Regiment of Foot.
"Die hard, my men. Die hard the 57th."
Last words of Col Ingles commanding His Majesty's 57th Regiment of Foot at Albuhera 1811

Marshal Beresford wrote in his despatch "Our dead, particularly the 57th Regiment,were lying as they fought in the ranks, every wound in front"
Ingles of the 57th
Posts: 387
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Post by Ingles of the 57th »

Finally got it at the Fifth attempt.

Looks nice. I do hope it's worth the sleepless night. (Downloading free Midnight to 5 a.m.)

Geoff Laver
"Die hard, my men. Die hard the 57th."
Last words of Col Ingles commanding His Majesty's 57th Regiment of Foot at Albuhera 1811

Marshal Beresford wrote in his despatch "Our dead, particularly the 57th Regiment,were lying as they fought in the ranks, every wound in front"
Michael Slaunwhite
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Post by Michael Slaunwhite »


Thank you Alessillo!

-- EDIT --

Very nice... I have to say it's really nice, and works great!

I'll be doing a live stream later on today to show it off.

Last edited by Michael Slaunwhite on Tue Aug 26, 2014 11:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by alessillo »

I'm sorry Geoff for your problem, if someone has problems like you with Mediafire in the first post there is a new download link to

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Post by Grog »


This is a mod of the highest order. Thank you Alessillo for all your hard work and for what, I'm sure will be, many hours immersing myself into the War of Spanish Succession.

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