Skirmishers & infantry formations

Let's talk about the issues in converting the SOW engine to handle Waterloo. Ideas, suggestions, feature requests, comments.
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Skirmishers & infantry formations

Post by 7thGalaxy »

I don't think that any game has ever got skirmishers quite right from this period - I think mostly because there are so many different doctrines.

How are you going to deal with the difference between specialist skirmishers - Voltigeurs, riflemen, Jagers, whose units pretty much only fought in open order, and 'part time' skirmishers - the light companies, which would rejoin the battalion for volley fire?

Are you going to provide a way to toggle between 2 and 4 ranks for the British regiments, who fought waterloo in 4, but usually liked to deploy in line of 2?

Last edited by 7thGalaxy on Wed Feb 18, 2015 7:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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