Uniform bugs

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Uniform bugs

Post by Jacquinot »


I want to ask NSD team, what about to fix this bugs:

Uniform bugs - 1) old guard Grenadiers, guard chasseurs and guard horse grenadiers have similar bear hats with plate, it is wrong because horse grenadiers and guard chasseurs have bear hats without plate.
2) imperial dragoons have similar uniform with regular dragoons.
3) Bannerman in guard units dressed in line infantry uniform.
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Re: Uniform bugs

Post by Jim »

These are not bugs, they are design choices. We decided to continue to make this game playable on 32 bit Windows XP systems. Because of this decision we have a hard limit in how much memory the total game can use. If we go above that limit, the game crashes with high reliability. Uniforms are a significant section of total memory usage. Because of this we do not have the option of including all of the uniforms known to be worn by units on the field. For people with 64 bit systems with Win 7/8/10, mods could be created to add more uniforms but this is not an option for 32 bit systems.

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Re: Uniform bugs

Post by Jacquinot »

You want to say that this game will be crushing if you add 2 or 3 more sprites, and draw correct bear hats for Napoleon guard? Are you kidding?
This is historical wargame and people want to see right historical uniform.
So can you finish your work for 64bit systems users or not? For example I know how I can create imperial dragoons sprite, need just change some colors of uniform regular dragoons, but it's hard long work in photoshop, because is too many sprites.
Last edited by Jacquinot on Mon Nov 30, 2015 8:40 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Uniform bugs

Post by Guest »

I'm sorry, cannot hold it.
Can somebody tell me how 32/64-bit OS version (process address space is system memory) ties in with sprites in video memory?

There's only one condition they could.
From MSDN (DX9): "Managed resources (D3DPOOL_MANAGED) are backed by system memory".
But this (fairly common, and abused) allocation class is mostly useful if you need to modify them in real-time (you can lock, write to device-accessible system memory and the driver takes care of submitting quickly to GPU). Or you have no constraints with system memory (as you don't need to reload textures from disk, if device is lost).

But if you don't have to lock/modify (and you don't) and can accept the reloading times (in case of change of screen resolution or, less often, ALT+TAB... which don't seem to be handled either), please consider D3DPOOL_DEFAULT (video memory or AGP in worst case) and free the RAM.

I know, I should just shut up forever as these suggestions are likely not well accepted.
I'm going to take the risk hoping they can help somehow, though.

Last edited by Guest on Mon Nov 30, 2015 1:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Uniform bugs

Post by mitra76 »

The game is already to the limit of 2 gb for process for the biggest scenarios. Add more sprites was risky. Also if it is crash due to the 32bit OS limits, is always a crash for a player, in a WinXP supporting declared product.

The mod solution is the more practical because can be done both from us (see Tim sprites mod) than from the modders.
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Re: Uniform bugs

Post by Jacquinot »

Ok, you can split your game on two chapters 1) Basic game "recommended" and 2) Full uniform sprites game "for your own risk".
Why I must create sprites for game which I bought? I better waste my time to create new scenario or map.
You agree with me?
Now looks like you sell beta version, but you not announce that it's beta.
Last edited by Jacquinot on Mon Nov 30, 2015 9:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Uniform bugs

Post by Saddletank »

Jacquinot, you are being very unfair on NSD here and your language is pretty harsh. You could make your point without coming over as so brusque.

To call this game a beta version just because their are limits to running it under WinXP 32bit is not being reasonable.

You don't have to create sprites for the game, it's your choice to make them. I personally do not mind if there are no Empress dragoon sprites. I think there are far more deserving extra sprite choices that modders could add - like correcting and widening the selection of Brunswick sprites for example; or making a French horse artillery sprite.

We had a conversation on here a few days after the game was releases about NSDs choice of Hanoverian flags and after a few months a new Hanover flag pack was released by one of the team. These guys do listen to their customers and they do release extra free content. I think we need to be more appreciative of their efforts for us.
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Re: Uniform bugs

Post by skelos »

I think that NSD did a great job in a quick reply and explanation to the sprite issue. To bash NSD on a compromise, that is out of their control, to appeal to a wide audience and offering multiplayer, is a bit unrealistic.

Plus, I think that many game owners would prefer NSD efforts/resources/budget constraints to be put into other areas like the SDK, mod map creation, bug fixes, SoW Nappy additions and game enhancements (not in that order).

I am not a troll nor am I anyway associated with any development teams for this game, I am just a grognard who enjoys the game and the depth that is offers and future releases.
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Re: Uniform bugs

Post by Jacquinot »

I agree with you, they did big job to release SOW Waterloo, but maybe they should add extra sprite pack or something like that, for people who want more historical uniform in game.

Today I trying to fix regular dragoon into imperial, it's hard boring work, but I change first line of animation
The attachment moddragoon.jpg is no longer available
I think for 3 man team it's about 2 weeks work.
moddragoon.jpg (65.92 KiB) Viewed 290 times
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Re: Uniform bugs

Post by Saddletank »

Looking forward to the finished work. Though you have dozens of hours of careful labour ahead of you! Good luck!

Its probably easier to make a new 3D model in 3DS Max or another 3D modelling program, animate it as needed and capture the necessary frames. I believe this is how most modders and NSD make their sprites.
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