Waterloo battle1 (Allies)

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Re: Waterloo battle1 (Allies)

Post by Saddletank »

The game does not make any calculations against massed targets. It ignores every unit except the one the shooters are firing at. That target could be alone on the planet or at the front of a Greek phalanx of men behind it, but no-one in the rear units would get hit.

The games handling of densely packed targets is completely non-functional.

I do agree that your stacked units put out less fire effect however due to the 'shooting over' negatives the game applies. Its better to place battalions side by side rather then behind one another or intermingled.

I was not aware that skirmishers really put out that much more firepower at all, or even took less hits than line troops.
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Awld Hooky
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Re: Waterloo battle1 (Allies)

Post by Awld Hooky »

Thanks Saddletank for your contribution and information. I'm no expert on the mechanics of Scourge yet but I have noticed that about Scourge Waterloo that only the targeted regt suffers casualties from the direct enemy regt/regts, not like Total War games were all and sundry takes hits, even the general staff who maybe some distance in the rear :( And I think the skirmishers were more of a nuisance to the advancing French who failed to really get a foothold in the wood in the battle that got me the MV, but going on the kills to losses ratio, it was much more even than many previous attempts, so either the skirmishers were doing a great job or the combination of skirmishers and Line Infantry in unison were inflicting the casualties. Also you and DarkRob are both correct, I'm a stickler for order normally and like my lines to be neat and properly deployed, last man on the line touching the shoulder of the neighboring regiments last man on the line, but in the fury of this short and bloody exchange I was forced to muddle them the best I could and didn't have time to get the yard stick out ha ha :laugh: But as a rule I'd normally use the group formation functions, single line, double line and then place Brigades somewhat overlapping so to create a denser formation. All in all it was a good lesson in the use of skirmishers as a hindrance to advancing enemy units and I'll be sure to use them more often in future ;)

"Death loves a crowd"
Last edited by Awld Hooky on Mon Feb 06, 2017 12:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Waterloo battle1 (Allies)

Post by DarkRob »

Thanks Saddletank for your contribution and information. I'm no expert on the mechanics of Scourge yet but I have noticed that about Scourge Waterloo that only the targeted regt suffers casualties from the direct enemy regt/regts, not like Total War games were all and sundry takes hits, even the general staff who maybe some distance in the rear :( And I think the skirmishers were more of a nuisance to the advancing French who failed to really get a foothold in the wood in the battle that got me the MV, but going on the kills to losses ratio, it was much more even than many previous attempts, so either the skirmishers were doing a great job or the combination of skirmishers and Line Infantry in unison were inflicting the casualties. Also you and DarkRob are both correct, I'm a stickler for order normally and like my lines to be neat and properly deployed, last man on the line touching the shoulder of the neighboring regiments last man on the line, but in the fury of this short and bloody exchange I was forced to muddle them the best I could and didn't have time to get the yard stick out ha ha :laugh: But as a rule I'd normally use the group formation functions, single line, double line and then place Brigades somewhat overlapping so to create a denser formation. All in all it was a good lesson in the use of skirmishers as a hindrance to advancing enemy units and I'll be sure to use them more often in future ;)

"Death loves a crowd"
Truth be told, skirmishers in this game aren't really that good. Its more that they are good in this particular scenario. Notice their isn't any cavalry around. Cavalry eats those little skirmisher groups like tater tots.
The way KS handles skirmishers is way way better.I used to not think so but thats because I hadn't figured out how to use them right. KS skirmishers will stop a line or column cold in their tracks and inflict way more casualties than they take. They have the advantage of being able to form square should some pesky horsey's come around because in KS skirmishers are entire battalions that assume a skirmish formation.
When your done the playing all the scenarios in the stock game I highly recommend trying the KS mod. Better infantry formations, better skirmishers, different types of cavalry, devastating artillery(comes at a price, you really have to protect their flanks with infantry), all new scenarios, maps,OOB's, etc etc. Its good stuff.

Also congratulations on beating it :)
Last edited by DarkRob on Mon Feb 06, 2017 1:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
Awld Hooky
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Re: Waterloo battle1 (Allies)

Post by Awld Hooky »

Thanks very much DarkRob, the victory goes to you my friend :) I know what you mean about the skirmishers, I tried them out on the French 09 scenario and they proved somewhat "light on their heels" :pinch: ha ha I'll add another screenshot, it's quite funny, the Allies must have read my thoughts because they sent forth hundreds of them! I'll persevere though, it's quite a fun battle but the 10,000 promotion score seems somewhat hefty considering the MV score is 3000 ? My last attempt I bagged 7100, so I'm improving :unsure:

Yes indeed regards the KS mod and Saddletank knows I already tried out the mod because I wanted the marching music experience lol I still have it installed, I just disabled it to try and complete the stock scenarios (I felt I was neglecting the original series of battles) but as soon as I'm done with France 09 and the Ligny scenarios (hardly touched those yet) I shall be returning to the excellent KS mod and all it's wonderful features. To be honest I've gone a bit crazy with mods, anything that adds effects,textures or new sprites to the base game I've downloaded and tried and experienced the crashes when forgetting to disable them in anything but user scenarios :whistle: Looking forward to many many hours of fun. Once again though many thanks for all your input to this discussion, I am truly grateful :cheer:
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Last edited by Awld Hooky on Mon Feb 06, 2017 2:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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