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Post by MarkT »

By the way, I have received some questions as to what "true scale" is vs Norbsoft scale.
True Scale maps are based on the well established formula that infantry marches at a rate of 3 miles an hour, (including a 10 minute break) This is the military norm since Alexander the Great. So actually an infantry formation will march 3 miles in 50 minutes. Thus 3 / 6 / 9 / 12 / 15, etc. mile maps.

Norbsoft scale maps are based on the incomplete, and incorrect interpretation of the same formula where infantry marches 2.5 miles in one hour. As per the unitglobal, the map scale is 2.5, but they bump up the infantry movement rates to 4 to compensate for the error. the incorrect scale maps 2.5 / 5 / 7.5 / 9 / etc. are distorted away from realism. This has NOTHING to do with scaling the map. This is just poor and opinionated work.

To test: It is simple to test.
1. Go into the unitglobal and change infantry movement rates to 3.
2. Open a map that you know the distance from point A to B to be 3 miles, say on one of the (5 mile) Gettysburg maps.
3. move your unit, NOT on ROAD, from point A to B and watch the clock. on the true scale map, you will be exactly 3 miles in 50 minutes. You will NOT move the same on a 5 mile map.

This is something that surfaced in the TC2M days with Wrangler. I verified it MULTIPLE times. When I came to Norbsoft, and proposed a change, I was told I was wrong and it it could not be done. I have over 45 years of engineering, and the last 25 making maps in Civil Engineering.
Last edited by MarkT on Tue Jul 16, 2019 5:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
Mark S. Tewes
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Post by RebBugler »

By the way, I have received some questions as to what "true scale" is vs Norbsoft scale.
True Scale maps are based on the well established formula that infantry marches at a rate of 3 miles an hour, (including a 10 minute break) This is the military norm since Alexander the Great. So actually an infantry formation will march 3 miles in 50 minutes. Thus 3 / 6 / 9 / 12 / 15, etc. mile maps.

Norbsoft scale maps are based on the incomplete, and incorrect interpretation of the same formula where infantry marches 2.5 miles in one hour. As per the unitglobal, the map scale is 2.5, but they bump up the infantry movement rates to 4 to compensate for the error. the incorrect scale maps 2.5 / 5 / 7.5 / 9 / etc. are distorted away from realism. This has NOTHING to do with scaling the map. This is just poor and opinionated work.

To test: It is simple to test.
1. Go into the unitglobal and change infantry movement rates to 3.
2. Open a map that you know the distance from point A to B to be 3 miles, say on one of the (5 mile) Gettysburg maps.
3. move your unit, NOT on ROAD, from point A to B and watch the clock. on the true scale map, you will be exactly 3 miles in 50 minutes. You will NOT move the same on a 5 mile map.

This is something that surfaced in the TC2M days with Wrangler. I verified it MULTIPLE times. When I came to Norbsoft, and proposed a change, I was told I was wrong and it it could not be done. I have over 45 years of engineering, and the last 25 making maps in Civil Engineering.

Your test for "True Scale" based on the history of marching times makes perfect sense, for 1:1 (SR1) sprite ratio. However, NSD maps, and yours, are based on 4:1 (SR4) sprite ratio, and scaled as so. Since I have designed scenarios on all the Gettysburg maps available I can attest to very similar scaling between them. Scaling maps smaller for SR4 play is obvious since the engagement distance of 150 yards appears to be 50 yards or less, and there's no way four regiments of ten companys each will fit (historical setup) on the Little Round Top. I can also attest to this as having designed SR1 scenarios and becoming familiar with the huge size of SR1 formations.

I'm not telling you anything you don't already know. I know nothing of map making, but I am well aware that the only true "True Scale" would be maps designed for SR1 play. All other designs are basically abstractions governed by gameplay.

Please don't consider this message as argumentative, I probably just missed something in your explanation. Your maps are an excellent contribution to the fans of SOWGB.
Last edited by RebBugler on Fri Jul 19, 2019 3:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by MarkT »

I take nothing from you in a bad way at all. You are one of the few people I encountered that has knowledge on the subject. I respect you for that, as well as your work.

Map scale is the Norbsoft myth. Sprite ratio has NOTHING to do with MAP accuracy The sprites are larger, as well as the buildings, BUT a half mile difference every 3 miles? NO!

All charts, ranges, and combat works PERFECT with an ACCURATE map. This is just someone who I will not name, spinning bullshit. They made the initial mistake and refused to accept the error when told about it. THEY have NEVER even made one single map. Repeated decisions were made poorly based, NOT, on documented history, but Cracker Jax opinion.

There is NO reason in the world, all of your ranges and distances as well as simply marching should be skewed because of stubbornness. I was lied to then, and told it "could not be done". I simply am tired of being told he knows more than I, when he had ZERO knowledge of Mapping, and FAR less than that about the Civil War. I have studied the civil War, as well as the Napoleonic Wars, my entire life, and I still don't know squat. But in comparison, I am Einstein. Its simple, Historical "Fact" vs. short sighted bullshit.

Rant complete, Sorry.
Mark S. Tewes
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