'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

This is where our experts try to teach you the very flexible modding system for our previous release - SOW Gettysburg and its add-ons. It's powerful, but dangerous. Post your tips and your questions.
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'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

Post by RebBugler »

‘What If’ Heyday time for CSA scenario fans, Yanks had your Heyday historically

Please bear with me Union scenario fans.  Up to this most recent set of CSA 'What If' scenarios I've pretty much alternated between Union and Confederate scenarios and strived to make them equally competitive, with the exception of a few when I was stressing a 'What If' situation which would have favored the Confederate side, of which should be obvious, since I'm not identified as the YankBugler.  Still, aside from my southern birth and heritage, I now consider myself bipartisan, and that we're better off having one united, United States of America, with equal opportunities for all.

Having hopefully clarified, there are still more CSA scenarios to come before any more Union scenarios will be offered, and, some more are planned, at least in my head.  If the game engine holds up with this performance-taxing SR1 play, at least three more CSA carryover scenarios are planned--Day 3, 5 PM will be released in a day or so, followed by Day 3, 6 PM and Day 3, 7 PM.  Won't even release another night scenario, my eyes are still hurting from the 'Nightfire' series.  

Furthermore, GB Day4 might continue this CSA 'What If' series.  Also, game engine willing, that scenario will be a ‘Carryover=1’ version, whereas the carryover units will be set up, and not scattered all over the place like the present ‘Carryover=3’ (carryover positions) version provides.  If you haven't noticed, with the ‘Carryover=3’ version routed troops reappear scattered all over the map, like zombies coming back to haunt the living.  They're so small they rout easily, but still mess up my scripting, moving in reinforcements and such.

Having said all this, if this website isn't fixed soon, I may get so frustrated trying to post and update my present threads, I may throw in the towel, and just watch football.

RebBugler (Randy Keen)

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'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

Post by Jolly »

Thank for the latest news Reb, and well said!

And it is a pity about the website problems - I really hope the site can be fixed as such, and sttays open for business! :)

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'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

Post by RebBugler »

GB3-05btn_July3-Fight for Cemetery Hill, Day 3, 5 PM (C-Corps)

Carryover from: GB3-04btn_July3-Fight for Cemetery Hill, Day 3, 4 PM (C-Corps)
Carryover to: GB3-06btn_July3-Fight for Cemetery Hill, Day 3, 6 PM (C-Corps)

Length of Play: 1 Hour

Command: Lieutenant General James Longstreet, 1st Corps Commander
Date: July 3, 1863
Location: South of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

Ahistorical Situation (What If): What if the Pettigrew, Pickett, Trimble Attack was more concentrated toward the northern part of the Federal position on Cemetery Ridge and was able to break through and gain Cemetery Hill. Also, the Confederate cavalry was able to evade the Federal cavalry at East Cavalry Field after brief engagements and was able to move to the rear of the Federal positions along Cemetery Ridge.

Situation: It's five PM and despite relentless Union attacks we've held our positions around Cemetery Ridge. So far the enemy has concentrated their attacks from the south, but now we see thousands of Yankee infantry troops forming to our east. Fortunately our artillery is arriving en mass now, and their elevated positioning along this hill give us the confidence that we can still hold this ground.

Infantry and guns: hold Cemetery Hill
Cavalry: disrupt and delay enemy reinforcements, and, take out as many guns as possible

Objectives: For the first 50 minutes the two Cemetery Hill objectives award 12 points per minute(2 points per each 10 second interval). The last 10 minutes these two objectives award 840 points per minute (140 points per each 10 second interval), for a total of 9000 points. The Battery Brigade objective awards 100 points, plus scores of points available from capturing guns near this objective.

Forces Involved:
CSA - 31,847 Troops, 188 Guns (before carryovers)
USA - 42,348 Troops, 232 Guns (before carryovers)

Although ahistorical, this scenario is historically based in regard to the initial Federal reinforcements that would have been deployed had the Rebels not been stopped as they were historically. Already in route were two brigades from Sedgwick's corps. General Torbert's brigade was moving from their position near the Big Round Top and General Shaler's brigade from Culp's Hill. Following these brigades would have been the brigades of General Bartlett and General Russell moving from the round tops, also from Sedgwick's corps.

Due to the size of this scenario, a heads-up to avoid 'AI Freeze Up' (troops stop fighting), keep most of your officers TC'd throughout. For the initial movements select the brigade commander (I recommend movements by brigade), then select 'Atcommoff', double click destination, select formation, then 'tcofficers'. Don't worry about officers overlapping enemy units because all officers are scripted as 'immortal' in this scenario series. Over the years I've found that the game plays much better with immortal officers plus it improves the enemy AI competition wise.

One second left, managed to hold the Cemetery Hill objectives throughout. However, eliminating the guns around the Battery Brigade objective literally wiped out Colonel Chambliss' cavalry brigade.
GB3_5btn 5 PM Fight for Cemetery Hill.jpg
GB3_5btn 5 PM Fight for Cemetery Hill.jpg (539.11 KiB) Viewed 411 times
My main goal, besides a win, was to destroy Berdan's sharpshooter regiments as they entered the field--Mission accomplished! They stayed in the woods until 5 PM but once they moved out I attacked en mass with my cavalry. Don't forget this tip, since cavalry can't charge in the woods, and those regiments will chew your troops up from afar if you don't nullify them.
GB3_5btn 5 PM Fight for Cemetery Hill2.jpg
GB3_5btn 5 PM Fight for Cemetery Hill2.jpg (236.79 KiB) Viewed 411 times
Took me three runs for this win, went with this result because I managed the best 'remaining strength' total. That's my bottom line for surviving this 'troop depleting' 'marathon of carnage' carryover scenario series.
GB3_5btn 5 PM Fight for Cemetery Hill3.jpg
GB3_5btn 5 PM Fight for Cemetery Hill3.jpg (408.89 KiB) Viewed 411 times

Again, so far so good, we get another scenario despite the large number of troops and guns depicted--coming next, the 6 PM version. Just heed the "keep your officers TC'd" warning. Makes for a whole lot of micromanagement necessary, the price we must pay for multi-corps level SR1 play.

If you missed my message on possible coming events and other info regarding this series, you're invited to read Post #251
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'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

Post by RebBugler »

GB3-06btn_July3-Fight for Cemetery Hill, Day 3, 6 PM (C-Corps)

Carryover from: GB3-05btn_July3-Fight for Cemetery Hill, Day 3, 5 PM (C-Corps)
Carryover to: GB3-07btn_July3-Fight for Cemetery Hill, Day 3, 7 PM (C-Corps)

Length of Play: 1 Hour

Command: Lieutenant General James Longstreet, 1st Corps Commander
Date: July 3, 1863
Location: South of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

Ahistorical Situation (What If): What if the Pettigrew, Pickett, Trimble Attack was more concentrated toward the northern part of the Federal position on Cemetery Ridge and was able to break through and gain Cemetery Hill. Also, the Confederate cavalry was able to evade the Federal cavalry at East Cavalry Field after brief engagements and was able to move to the rear of the Federal positions along Cemetery Ridge.

Situation: It's 6 o'clock in the afternoon and once again we've held our positions around Cemetery Hill after numerous attacks. The enemy has previously concentrated most of their attacks from the south, but now they're forming assault lines on both our southern and eastern flanks. Fortunately our artillery is positioned well along this hill and gives us the confidence we need to support them and hold this ground.

Infantry and guns: hold Cemetery Hill
Cavalry: disrupt and delay enemy reinforcements, and, take out as many guns as possible

Objectives: For the first 50 minutes the two Cemetery Hill objectives award 12 points per minute(2 points per each 10 second interval). The last 10 minutes these two objectives award 840 points per minute (140 points per each 10 second interval), for a total of 9000 points.

Locked Units: (Johnson's Division) Once engaged, infantry units will unlock by regiment

Forces Involved:
CSA - 35,589 Troops, 204 Guns (before carryovers)
USA - 44,144 Troops, 232 Guns (before carryovers)

Although ahistorical, this scenario is historically based in regard to the initial Federal reinforcements that would have been deployed had the Rebels not been stopped as they were historically. Following four brigades from Sedgwick's corps would have been reinforcements from General Slocum's corps, positioned on and around Culp's Hill.

Due to the size of this scenario, a heads-up to avoid 'AI Freeze Up' (troops stop fighting), keep most of your officers TC'd throughout. This scenario is on the brink of 'AI Freeze Up'. It had to be re-scripted, to avoid such, so all the action has been spread out, and not concentrated which unfortunately makes it less competitive. Also, the 'CarryOverDead=1' option is now turned off in the Scenario.ini file, this definitely improved stability. Furthermore, Johnson’s division was added but then deemed unnecessary, so is locked for performance purposes.

One second left, for the first time all enemy attackers have been cleared well away from both my objectives.
GB3_6btn 6 PM Fight for Cemetery Hill.jpg
GB3_6btn 6 PM Fight for Cemetery Hill.jpg (179.21 KiB) Viewed 410 times
Although competitive at times, the piecemeal Union attacks I had to resort to, to prevent 'AI Freeze Up', spelled ultimate disaster for this Union offensive. Still, it was quite entertaining!
GB3_6btn 6 PM Fight for Cemetery Hill2.jpg
GB3_6btn 6 PM Fight for Cemetery Hill2.jpg (408.88 KiB) Viewed 410 times
Just in case another scenario can't be added to this carryover series due to 'AI Freeze Up', here are my final troop numbers:
GB3_6btn 6 PM Fight for Cemetery Hill3.jpg
GB3_6btn 6 PM Fight for Cemetery Hill3.jpg (237.54 KiB) Viewed 410 times
GB3_6btn 6 PM Fight for Cemetery Hill4.jpg
GB3_6btn 6 PM Fight for Cemetery Hill4.jpg (269.38 KiB) Viewed 410 times

Barely again, getting real shaky, hopefully coming next, the 7 PM version.

If you missed my message on possible coming events and other info regarding this series, you're invited to read Post #251
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'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

Post by RebBugler »

GB3-07btn_July3-Fight for Cemetery Hill, Day 3, 7 PM (C-Corps)

Carryover from: GB3-06btn_July3-Fight for Cemetery Hill, Day 3, 6 PM (C-Corps)

Length of Play: 1 Hour

Command: Lieutenant General James Longstreet, 1st Corps Commander
Date: July 3, 1863
Location: South of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

Ahistorical Situation (What If): What if the Pettigrew, Pickett, Trimble Attack was more concentrated toward the northern part of the Federal position on Cemetery Ridge and the Rebels were able to break through and gain Cemetery Hill. Also, the Confederate cavalry was able to evade the Federal cavalry at East Cavalry Field after brief engagements and was able to move to the rear of the Federal positions along Cemetery Ridge.

Situation: It's 7 o'clock in the evening and the Yanks aren't through yet. We see new enemy troops forming to our east and we've been alerted that more reinforcements are moving up from the south, along with artillery. But we've held this ground for three hours against numerous attacks and our confidence is as high as ever because it's grown with each win. With nightfall approaching we feel that this will be our last, and biggest win of this third day, of this great battle--Gettysburg.

Infantry and guns: hold Cemetery Hill
Cavalry: disrupt and delay enemy reinforcements, and, take out as many guns as possible

Objectives: For the first 50 minutes the two Cemetery Hill objectives award 12 points per minute(2 points per each 10 second interval). The last 10 minutes these two objectives award 840 points per minute (140 points per each 10 second interval), for a total of 9000 points.

Locked Units: (Johnson's Division) Once engaged, infantry units will unlock by regiment. Johnson's division can be fully unlocked at 7:30 in exchange for a score deduction of 1000 points. This option will be explained via a pop-up message at that time.

Forces Involved:
CSA - 35,589 Troops, 204 Guns (before carryovers)
USA - 50,811 Troops, 259 Guns (before carryovers)

Although ahistorical, this scenario is historically based in regard to the initial Federal reinforcements that would have been deployed had the Rebels not been stopped as they were historically. Following four brigades from General Sedgwick's corps would have been reinforcements from General Slocum's corps, positioned on and around Culp's Hill. After that, this scenario finishes up by sending in all remaining brigades from Sedgwick's and Slocum's corps along with the III Corps artillery brigade. Included with the attacks from Culp's Hill is General Wadsworth's depleted, but still a '1,693 men strong' division, which includes the highly regarded 'Iron Brigade'. And finally, Gregg's cavalry brigade joins the fray from the southeast.

Due to the size of this scenario, a heads-up to avoid 'AI Freeze Up' (troops stop fighting), keep most of your officers TC'd throughout. This scenario avoids 'AI Freeze Up' by only scripting attacks for the newly arrived ten Union brigades. All previous attacking regimental officers are ‘TC On’ and are scripted to ‘TC Off’ upon engagement, so, they will at least fend for themselves, but are not summoned to the battlefield because of performance concerns.

One second left, the last of the brave attackers are melting away, the Rebels now own this ground, this plausible third day of the battle of Gettysburg.
GB3_7btn 7 PM Fight for Cemetery Hill.jpg
GB3_7btn 7 PM Fight for Cemetery Hill.jpg (445.24 KiB) Viewed 409 times
Entertaining! After a slow start the action gets going, it then remains 'full tilt' till this victory's end.
GB3_7btn 7 PM Fight for Cemetery Hill2.jpg
GB3_7btn 7 PM Fight for Cemetery Hill2.jpg (408.45 KiB) Viewed 409 times
Final troop numbers for this six scenario carryover series, Gettysburg day 3:
GB3_7btn 7 PM Fight for Cemetery Hill3.jpg
GB3_7btn 7 PM Fight for Cemetery Hill3.jpg (237.29 KiB) Viewed 409 times
GB3_7btn 7 PM Fight for Cemetery Hill4.jpg
GB3_7btn 7 PM Fight for Cemetery Hill4.jpg (273.58 KiB) Viewed 409 times

Shaky at times performance-wise, but this '3rd day GB carryover series' made it to its envisioned end: a six hour 'Rebel Heyday' series, 'comes to fruition'; guaranteed to keep folks busy, and hopefully, immersively entertained.
Last edited by RebBugler on Sun Aug 29, 2021 6:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

Post by RebBugler »


True Ground SR1 II

Consider this mod as an extention to the 'True Ground SR1' mod, its primary purpose is to add additional scenarios to this SR1 scenario series, thus keeping these scenario mods under 5MB, complying with attachment and download size limitations. The 'True Ground SR1' mod must be enabled in Modifications for this mod to function correctly.

This is also a companion mod with the 'True Ground Maps - Gettysburg - The Big Picture' mod. The three mods must be enabled together for this mod to function as designed. 'True Ground SR1 II' must be prioritized below the 'True Ground Maps' mod in Modifications and also below the 'True Ground SR1' mod.

Priority Order in Modifications:
True Ground Maps
True Ground SR1
True Ground SR1 II

Unless otherwise announced, all future SR1 scenario updates will be through 'True Ground SR1 II'.
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'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

Post by RebBugler »

Update version 9.0

Addition of the mod 'True Ground SR1 II'

Scenarios (continuation of the CSA GB Day3 SR1 carryover series)...
- GB4-01btn_July4-GB Day4, Southwestern Battle (C-Corps) INFO
- GB4-02btn_July4-GB Day4, Southeastern Battle (C-Corps) INFO
- GB4-03btn_July4-GB Day4, The Finale (C-Army) INFO
- GB4-04btn_July4-Gettysburg Day Four, coup de grâce (C-Army) INFO

- OOB_SB_SR1_Btn_GB_Day3
Last edited by RebBugler on Sun Sep 26, 2021 7:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

Post by Jolly »

I've got a tad confused on things lately Reb, which may explain the errors I'm getting.
Some scenarios crash, while some others load ok.

For instance, loading GB1-08btn gives me this error -

The attachment GB108.jpg is no longer available
Hopefully a minor issue! ;)

GB108.jpg (96.24 KiB) Viewed 444 times
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'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

Post by RebBugler »

Check that you have the latest update here:
True Ground Maps - Gettysburg - The Big Picture
Update version 3.8 (August 8, 2021)

Also, any issues showing in the log file?

Good hearing from you, I'm sure we'll work it out.

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'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

Post by Jolly »

Thanks Reb - that was indeed the problem!
I'd originally downloaded the zip file, but had forgotten to unzip and drop into the Mod's folder!

I'd been busy building up a new computer system and other things (that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!). :)

Thanks again - I've a lot of catching up to do on all the latest scenarios you've done! ;)
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