'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

This is where our experts try to teach you the very flexible modding system for our previous release - SOW Gettysburg and its add-ons. It's powerful, but dangerous. Post your tips and your questions.
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'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

Post by RebBugler »

GB3-11btn_July3-Slocum's Northern Offensive (U-Corps)

Carryover from: GB3-10btn_July3-Clash at East Cavalry Field (U-Div)

Length of Play: 90 Minutes

Command: Major General Henry W. Slocum, XII Corps
Date: July 3, 1863
Location: East of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

Situation: From the crest of Culp's hill we've listened to the sounds of battle to our west and southwest for over three hours now. During this time the enemy troops to our northern front have left the base of this hill and moved out of sight to the north. We haven't received orders yet, but word has it that we will be "taking the battle to the enemy", soon!

Mission: Capture the three objectives.

Objectives: Objectives award 3000 points each when held ten minutes, for a total of 9000 points. After one minute the activating radii change from 150 yards to 300 yards and from Union only to ALL activation.

Forces Involved:
USA - 18,246 Troops, 45 Guns (before carryover)
CSA - 14,907 Troops, 48 Guns

This scenario continues General Meade's 'What If' offensive. Troop strength numbers and positions are historically depicted, exception being that the CSA troops that were at the base of Culp's Hill are repositioned east of Gettysburg into battle lines facing south. Neill and Shaler's brigades of the VI Corps are attached to Ruger's division.

Due to the size of this scenario, a heads-up to avoid 'AI Freeze Up' (troops stop fighting), keep most of your officers TC'd throughout.

One second left...Missed capturing the Gettysburg objective by a couple of minutes, fortunately my engagement points made up for that loss as the MV bar was 'just barely' reached.
GB3_11btn US Offensive.jpg
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Get ready for a difficult win, you have only a slight edge in troop numbers, and you're up against veteran Rebel forces. If Meade had indeed called for a full offensive, this scenario depicts probably the toughest of the offensive fronts to win.
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'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

Post by RebBugler »

GB3-12btn_July3-Meade's Full Offensive - The Finale (U-Army)

Carryover from: GB3-11btn_July3-Slocum's Northern Offensive (U-Corps)

Length of Play: 2 Hours

Command: Major General George G. Meade, Commanding General, Army of the Potomac
Date: July 3, 1863
Location: Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

Situation: All of our offensive movements this day have been successful. With those engagements we've recovered much of our lost ground from the previous two days of fighting and we've also liberated the town of Gettysburg. Now the enemy has reformed and awaits in battle lines along Seminary Ridge, its half mile span centered on the Lutheran Seminary. Our army has also reformed, reloaded and is confidently awaiting orders.

Mission: Capture the five objectives.

Objectives: Objectives award 1800 points each when held ten minutes, for a total of 9000 points. After one minute the activating radii change from 150 yards to 500 yards and from Union only to ALL activation.

Forces Involved:
USA - 67,270 Troops, 321 Guns (before carryovers)
CSA - 52,999 Troops, 273 Guns (before carryovers)

This scenario concludes General Meade's 'What If' offensive, with General Meade commanding the full Army of the Potomac.

Due to the size of this scenario, a heads-up to avoid 'AI Freeze Up' (troops stop fighting), keep most of your officers TC'd throughout. Also, don't commit or move all your troops at once and avoid engaging too many of the enemy at once. Keep in mind that at the beginning of a scenario all enemy officers are TC on, and once their regiment is engaged, regimental officers TC off.

Capturing objectives improves performance
With this scenario and some of the larger scenarios when an objective is captured enemy officers defending that objective are immediately TC'd and retreat away from the field of battle. This procedure continues with each captured objective and performance is gradually improved by eliminating the number of officers that are AI controlled. Bottom line, the more officers that are TC'd the better the scenario runs performance-wise, thus lessening the threat of 'AI Freeze Up'.

One second left...The final objective was captured fifteen or so minutes ago. Used the remaining time to TC off some brigades to mop up what was left of the defeated Rebel army.
GB3_12btn US Finale.jpg
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My final carryover troop strength numbers had the USA with a little more than a two to one edge over the CSA. With these odds I steamrolled the Rebel army from their flanks inward. So likewise, this is your chance to also destroy the Army of Northern Virginia like Meade quite possibly could have done, as deemed plausible by this set of carryover scenarios.
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Final unit stats for this six scenario carryover series...
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Hopefully balanced up partisan leanings with this final 'USA heyday' carryover series although the Rebels needed more scenarios for their heyday victory. Simply put, the Rebels needed more scenarios to whittle down the Union army, plus, a Gettysburg day four to make the 'CSA heyday' series plausible.

Looking forward to hearing reports about these two final carryover series. Beginning with GB3_01 and 02, it's like taking on a whole new battle, with alternate history possibilities and outcomes.

And now, already going strong...Football season!Image
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'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

Post by Jolly »

Hi Reb - I managed a hard fought 'Victory' on this one which was the second attempt on it.
I actually managed to plant the Reb flag on the second objective - but only in the last minute of play so it didn't count for much by that time! ;)

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'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

Post by RebBugler »

Hi Reb - I managed a hard fought 'Victory' on this one which was the second attempt on it.
I actually managed to plant the Reb flag on the second objective - but only in the last minute of play so it didn't count for much by that time! ;)

Well, you beat the heck out of my attempts. As I posted on this scenario's INFO page it took me numerous plays to get a victory, and then several more for a MV. Also, you fared MUCH better in casualty ratio which is the most important stat for carryover scenarios. I planned on adding some tips on how to beat this scenario since I thought it might be a big obstacle for folks starting this carryover series. But you stopped those plans, with obviously a better strategy at beating this scenario, and, in two attempts. My strategy was too costly, and time consuming, so I'll hold those thoughts. Image


Thanks for the report...
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'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

Post by Jolly »

Thanks for that Reb - I tried replying to this a few days ago but the post didn't upload and I lost the text.
Anyway, I fired up the GB3-02 union side scenario which is captivating and complex.,
After 3 attempts I managed a draw!

This does take some figuring out, especially as the units get (painfully) slow to be released. It seems a case of trying to minimize damage when the Rebel swarm begins - short retreats while hitting them with artillery if possible. Also trying to pull some of their brigades away from the main center attack.

I'm about halfway through a forth attempt now, and things are looking a bit more favorable now that I've got a better gist on things! :)

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'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

Post by RebBugler »

...I fired up the GB3-02 union side scenario which is captivating and complex.,
After 3 attempts I managed a draw!

This does take some figuring out, especially as the units get (painfully) slow to be released. It seems a case of trying to minimize damage when the Rebel swarm begins - short retreats while hitting them with artillery if possible. Also trying to pull some of their brigades away from the main center attack.

I'm about halfway through a forth attempt now, and things are looking a bit more favorable now that I've got a better gist on things! :)


I try to avoid locking player's units, but this scenario demanded this procedure, otherwise it would be an absolutely non-contest situation, as it was historically. Also, with my testing I was still able to beat it after two attempts, so I didn't think the locking actions were too extreme. Well, your experience here obviously proved I possibly went too far.

Regardless, you're almost there, and the follow-up Union carryover scenarios (GB3-08 thru GB3-12) will have no locked units, so hopefully reprieve from the "painfully slow" situation you've had to deal with this lead-off scenario.

Thanks again for your feedback! You're keeping this thread alive and well. Image
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'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

Post by Jolly »

The unit locking does work as intended - you designed it just fine Reb. It just took me a few tries (4) to manage a MV. :)

I REALLY enjoyed this one.


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'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

Post by RebBugler »

The unit locking does work as intended - you designed it just fine Reb. It just took me a few tries (4) to manage a MV. :)

I REALLY enjoyed this one.

A belated Congrats!

You really nailed the score with that Major Victory, however, your previous post (a Draw) displayed a slightly better casualty advantage, +113 -- Interesting. Image

I'll be purposely delaying responses to posts due to the lack of posts on our SOW forum recently. It's a bad omen when the 'Recent Topics' category goes blank. When posting picks up I'll strive to respond in a dedicated manner. Mark T has promised some future maps, let's hope he comes through soon and helps fill our present lull in activity.

Thanks for the Report Image
Last edited by RebBugler on Thu Dec 02, 2021 9:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

Post by Jolly »

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My 5th attempt on the GB3-03btn scenario!Now this does take some figuring out, especially with the distances involved.I came to realize that you can't let any troops just sit there - you've got to get them moving to various places on the map, and try to avoid some of the enemy on the way!It may seem at first that time is on your side, but that would be a big mistake! ;)David(jolly) 
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'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

Post by RebBugler »

My 5th attempt on the GB3-03btn scenario!Now this does take some figuring out, especially with the distances involved.I came to realize that you can't let any troops just sit there - you've got to get them moving to various places on the map, and try to avoid some of the enemy on the way!It may seem at first that time is on your side, but that would be a big mistake! ;)David(jolly) 
I'm extremely glad that you were able to figure this one out and be able to move on. Since it also took me numerous plays to find a win I was afraid that folks would just get bummed out and blow off the rest of this carryover series when this scenario continuously stumped them. But you fixed that, and paved the way by proving that it can be won...With persistence!

Adding the extra 15 minutes definitely saved this scenario, and by your response I'm sure you'll agree. I tried to fit it into my 60 minutes per scenario pattern as established by its surrounding scenarios, but that proved impossible with the distances between objectives and the requirements that are demanded to make this scenario historically plausible. I tend to be a freak for consistent patterns by trying to make the impossible possible, plus the necessity of getting the timelines of each scenario tapered to avoid another after dark scenario.

You made my day with this post, thanks for the early Christmas present!  Image
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