'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

This is where our experts try to teach you the very flexible modding system for our previous release - SOW Gettysburg and its add-ons. It's powerful, but dangerous. Post your tips and your questions.
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'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

Post by RebBugler »

To clarify, pausing to check out the situation in other parts of the battle would not be considered as cheating, or unusual.  However, what I was referring to was the way I did it, that is, pausing every 3 to 5 seconds to jump around and capture guns as I had up to six units moving to gun placements at once...I kicked ass doing this.  I probably went overboard in calling it cheating, but I did feel guilty because those maneuvers would have been impossible in real time.  In no way did I mean to undermine the way folks undertake battle tactics, it's just a standard I set for myself.  As far as saves and continuing later, I do that, especially when I have a great start and it took a while to set it up.  That way I can start again from that point later and avoid all the repetitious tasks it took to get to that saved point in the battle.

Thanks for setting me straight, each to their own. Image

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'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

Post by Jolly »

Ah Reb, I now get what you meant by that, regarding the 'standard' you set yourself in testing the new scenarios you work on.
I thought it didn't sound quite right, I'm off to grab a beer! :)


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'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

Post by Jolly »

First attempt on this scenario. I don't think I got the timing quite right regarding falling back and then managing to hold the second defensive objective long enough!
We were a bit beat up by then
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'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

Post by RebBugler »

First attempt on this scenario. I don't think I got the timing quite right regarding falling back and then managing to hold the second defensive objective long enough!
We were a bit beat up by then
Yeah, this is a tough scenario. I found that to beat it I had to move Ames' brigade back to the Almshouse almost immediately after they engage the Rebels. This engagement action summons your reinforcements, then hightail them there and setup your second defensive. This should get you going, but still a tough fight after that as each new objective won't set until the Rebels activate the preceding one.

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'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

Post by RebBugler »

GB2-37btn_July2-Cemetery Hill, Ewell's Bold Attack (C-Corps)

Length of Play: 1 Hour

Command: Lieutenant General Richard S. Ewell, commanding the 2nd Corps
Date: July 2, 1863
Location: South of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

Ahistorical Situation (What If): What if Rodes Division along with Gordon's Brigade join Early's historical attack of Cemetery Hill.

Situation: The sun has set, and after hearing the sounds of battle slowly creep our way from the south, we've now received orders to move forward. Once we form our assault lines, we are to attack the hill to our front, where scores of deadly, aligned Union cannon can still be seen in the dimming light. Especially those guns unlimbered along the crest of the hill, silhouetted ominously across the dusky sky. The hill is forebodingly named, Cemetery Hill.

Mission: Capture the six objectives and silence the enemy guns. Once done, defend the objectives as a Union counter-offensive is imminent.

Objectives: Each objective awards 42 points per minute (7 points per each 10 second interval)

Visibility: As nightfall approaches, visibility will decrease at approximately 4 to 3 minute intervals, down to 30 yards the last three minutes.

Forces Involved:
CSA - 9,131 troops, 16 Guns (Two Divisions of Ewell's 2nd Corps)
USA - 7,517 troops, 68 guns

This 'What If' scenario represents a situation in which Rodes Division, after forming their assault lines, did indeed attack Cemetery Hill along with Early's Division. Additionally, instead of remaining in reserve, Gordon's Brigade will also be called up to participate in Early's attack.

Even though General Lee's en echelon attack stalled, the capture of Cemetery Hill would have probably been a key factor in winning day two for the Confederacy. Then, day three of the battle at Gettysburg would have been completely different strategically, with the Rebels holding and defending the high ground, and without the necessity of the 'Pickett's Charge' disaster for the Confederacy.

Historically, upon forming assault lines Rodes failed to attack, contrary to General Lee's orders. Also, Gordon's Brigade was summoned by General Early once Early's attack stalled. General Gordon also failed to respond to his superior's orders.

For me, this was the most exciting and immersive scenario of the evening attack of Cemetery Hill. And, after numerous plays, this MV proved to be my best effort for this "What If" battle...
Ewell Cemetery Hill MV.jpg
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For more information about the development of this scenario see Post 195
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'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

Post by RebBugler »

July1-Culp's Hill, Johnson's Practicable Attack (C-Div)

Length of Play: 1 Hour

Command: Major General Edward Johnson, commanding Johnson's Division, 2nd Corps
Date: July 1, 1863
Location: Southeast of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

Ahistorical Situation (What If): What if Johnson's Division attacked Culp's Hill the late evening of day one of the battle.

Situation: After marching all day our division has finally reached our destination, the town of Gettysburg. It's late evening, and by all appearances we thought this day's battle was all but over. But after we had some time to rest and grab some supper, we receive movement orders again. We march out of town to the southeast and form assault lines facing south. Less than a mile to our front is a large hill dominating the landscape. Knowing our generals, we know our coming orders -- "Take those heights". We would later learn the name of those heights, Culp's Hill.

Mission: Capture the Culp's Hill objective within 30 minutes and secure it to the end.

Objectives: After 30 minutes the objective awards 150 points per minute (25 points per each 10 second interval), for a total of 4500 points.

Visibility: As nightfall approaches, visibility will decrease at approximately 4 to 3 minute intervals, down to 30 yards the last three minutes.

Forces Involved:
CSA - 6,243 Troops, 16 Guns
USA - 12,204 Troops, 41 Guns

This 'What If' scenario represents a situation in which Johnson's Division, after arriving in Gettysburg around 6:30 PM, had time to rest a bit, nourish themselves, and form up assault lines facing Culp's Hill by 7:30 PM.

Maybe a stretch, maybe not, regardless, it's a moot situation because General Ewell had already opted out of any further pursuits after the Union defenses west and north of Gettysburg were broken. This option was presented by General Lee to Ewell between 4:30 and 5:30 as the Union forces were in full retreat to the heights south of Gettysburg -- It read, "If practicable, take the heights south of Gettysburg". At this time, Johnson's division was still an hour out from Gettysburg, making this scenario's timeline quite feasible.

Also quite feasible, Johnson's success at taking Culp's Hill. Only the battle-weary and depleted, under 1000 troops, Iron Brigade defended Culp's Hill. The challenge would be, as this scenario represents, holding Culp's Hill, as the Federals throw as many troops as they can spare before dark trying to take it back, while still maintaining adequate defensive strength along Cemetery Hill.

This scenario proved not to be so competitive for me, because, I knew what was coming. Nevertheless, for my fellow Rebels, whether it's competitive or not, it will still be an action packed Yankee-shoot once you reach the heights.
GB1_05btn Johnson Culps Hill.jpg
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'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

Post by Jolly »

Well, I've spent a lot of time chomping away on this one, but I can't find a way to crack it!
I don't do too bad casualties wise (nearly half my men gone!).

I think I'll move on! :) 
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'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

Post by RebBugler »

Yeah, good casualty ratio, I'm surprised that game didn't score higher.  However. if you take the objectives too late then that plus won't help you win.  I found that capturing two of the three objectives by the 30 minute mark at least gave me the objective points needed to win.  And then, of course, making sure all the guns guarding those objectives are driven off or captured.

What happened with 'Barlow's Knoll'?  I threw in some advice and you never responded on whether it worked or not.  Guess a non-post says it all.

Regardless, thanks for this post.  This thread was getting pretty lonely without your feedback.
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'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

Post by RebBugler »

GB1-06btn_July1-Culp's Hill, The Defense of (U-Corps)

Length of Play: 1 Hour

Command: Major General Oliver O. Howard, commanding the XI Corps
Date: July 1, 1863
Location: Southeast of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

Ahistorical Situation (What If): What if Johnson's Division attacked Culp's Hill the late evening of day one of the battle.

Situation: After battling the Rebels for most of the day, we've been forced to abandon our original defensive positions and have consolidated our battered Corps to these heights south of Gettysburg. We thought this day's fighting was over, as the sun sets behind the western hills and the sounds of battle have lulled. But now, we're alerted to a new threat, as the enemy is forming assault lines to our north and extending east till they disappear into the evening haze. By all appearances, the Rebels are setting their sights on Culp's Hill, and in turn, our reserves are being ordered to help defend that hill. For if it falls to the enemy, it would make our position here on Cemetery Hill untenable.

Mission: Hold and defend the Culp's Hill objective.

Locked Units: Most of the player's units will be locked initially. As they begin moving to Culp's Hill they will unlock and become player controlled. Infantry unit's that remain in place will unlock once engaged, guns will unlock when engaged within 160 yards by enemy infantry. The skirmishers at the base of the hill will be unlocked once engaged.

Objectives: The one objective awards 78 points per minute (13 points per each 10 second interval), for a total of 4680 points.

Visibility: As nightfall approaches, visibility will decrease at approximately 4 to 3 minute intervals, down to 30 yards the last three minutes.

Forces Involved:
USA - 12,204 Troops, 41 guns
CSA - 6,243 Troops, 16 Guns

This 'What If' scenario represents a situation in which Johnson's Division, after arriving in Gettysburg around 6:30 PM, had time to rest a bit, nourish themselves, and form up assault lines facing Culp's Hill by 7:30 PM.

Maybe a stretch, maybe not, regardless, it's a moot situation because General Ewell had already opted out of any further pursuits after the Union defenses west and north of Gettysburg were broken. This option was presented by General Lee to Ewell between 4:30 and 5:30 as the Union forces were in full retreat to the heights south of Gettysburg -- It read, "If practicable, take the heights south of Gettysburg". At this time, Johnson's division was still an hour out from Gettysburg, making this scenario's timeline quite feasible.

Also quite feasible, Johnson's success (referring to Scenario GB1-05btn) at taking Culp's Hill. Only the battle-weary and depleted, under 1000 troops, Iron Brigade defended Culp's Hill. So, the challenge with this scenario is holding Culp's Hill, as you constantly deploy troops made available for that mission, while still maintaining adequate defensive strength along Cemetery Hill.

This scenario proved to be a tough mission. It's all about where to and how soon you deploy your in-coming units. The possibilities are endless, but only a select few will result in a solid win. I stumbled upon this one after a week of frustration.
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'True Ground SR1' - Scenarios & OOBs

Post by Jolly »

Maybe I should have made a move earlier! ;)
The artillery was taking chunks out of us though, so I spent some time sending a couple of regiments to try and get into them, which did work as such, but it seemed to drag in more Union troops.
I just couldn't manage to get a second objective, although we held them off at at least one objective until the end - no retreat.

I remember I did get a MV at Barlow's Knoll after a couple of attempts, the timing in falling back after holding was crucial to this.

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