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Post by norb »

It's out today, I pre-ordered. See you when I'm done :) I always have this dilemma when attacking these games as my 10 year old son likes to watch me play. There's tons of stuff in there that I not appropriate, but I know that I can't hide him from everything. He hears enough that we've discussed what is ok for a 10 year old and what is not. I keep a close eye on him and his language, but I'm not around him all the time. So tonight he is going to want to watch with me. I use it as a forum to discuss these topics. Usually I would play it through then decide whether or not to allow him to watch. But we do often have great discussions from watching and playing in that there is a lot that goes against what we believe and we discuss fantasy and games vs. reality. He seems to have a good hold on the separation. Some would not approve and I don't blame them, but if I thought it was above him then I would have no issues cutting it off. I'll probably discuss it with him tonight and go on his reaction and answers. Just wondering what others do.
Michael Slaunwhite
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Re: Bioshock!

Post by Michael Slaunwhite »

It's out today, I pre-ordered. See you when I'm done :) I always have this dilemma when attacking these games as my 10 year old son likes to watch me play. There's tons of stuff in there that I not appropriate, but I know that I can't hide him from everything. He hears enough that we've discussed what is ok for a 10 year old and what is not. I keep a close eye on him and his language, but I'm not around him all the time. So tonight he is going to want to watch with me. I use it as a forum to discuss these topics. Usually I would play it through then decide whether or not to allow him to watch. But we do often have great discussions from watching and playing in that there is a lot that goes against what we believe and we discuss fantasy and games vs. reality. He seems to have a good hold on the separation. Some would not approve and I don't blame them, but if I thought it was above him then I would have no issues cutting it off. I'll probably discuss it with him tonight and go on his reaction and answers. Just wondering what others do.
Hmmm, interesting Norb.

I can only speak for myself, but I would play it through first to see how violent it is (blood,gore, etc), and language. I do understand that it's next to impossible to shield children from the way the world is, and unfortunately today (in the past as well) that the information today's children pick up are from the school hallways, T.V, Movies, and Games. The last three you do have control over, the first is pretty much out of your hands (unless he/she is home schooled).

Play it first to see, this way if you do allow him too play it with you the second time, you'll then she it fresh through his eyes.

Edit: Better yet, why don't you sit back, and watch a few videos on youtube, and see before you play the game.

Last edited by Michael Slaunwhite on Wed Mar 27, 2013 1:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bioshock!

Post by norb »

I'm playing it myself first and it's beautiful. I cannot help but be a little put off because they seriously have an issue with religion. Their cities are always full of Westboro Baptist types, the worst of the extreme right that represent no one. It's always Christianity that is attacked in their games, Bioshock was chock full of Bibles. I still enjoy the games, but I have to wonder what the hang up is and why they always choose the same target.
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Re: Bioshock!

Post by Flanyboy »

Because it's politically acceptable to attack Christians.

Christian's in general are not as largely offended as other groups. It's more acceptable to make fun of your own culture or heritage than it is to offend other markets where you want to sell your games.
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Re: Bioshock!

Post by norb »

I was not drawn in by the story at all, at least so far. You see the gorgeous city, there is an event, then everyone attacks. You are trying to get somewhere and you really don't know why. It's not scary at all so far. Bioshock was very scary, and I like that. I had no problem stopping last night at a decent hour and hitting some bugs, the best games I play until late at night.

It's gotten great reviews so far though, so I'm hoping that it gets a little more intriguing. By that I mean more mysterious, wanting to know what's really happening in this world.
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Re: Bioshock!

Post by Michael Slaunwhite »


I really doubt children will be seeing the game in the way an adult see's it. I'm sure that they will only see the action, and how the game world looks outside of course seeing the blood, gore, and hearing the bad language which too them makes the giggle because they themselves aren't allow to say them. I doubt they would at all be interested in how political the game is, or how it attacks their religious beliefs (even if they have idea what that means, they probably have no idea what too believe since the majority of the time knowing what not to do is the difference between getting a pat on the head, or a kick in their behinds).

Parents still have the control, but like it is said, "the sins of the father" get passed down one generation to the next.

Up to you Norb, if you think your children might be exposed to something you yourself feel offended by, then don't let them see, or play it.

Final Note: I'm now 51, and you know... I look back when I was a kid, and I wished to God that my parents were allot harder on me because it would have prepared me for what I had to go through.

Last edited by Michael Slaunwhite on Wed Mar 27, 2013 4:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bioshock!

Post by kg_sspoom »

I have the first Bioshock and loved it. Very creepy/scary and it made you make some tough choices :evil: .
The little I have checked into this one has not peaked my interest.
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Re: Bioshock!

Post by Michael Slaunwhite »

Textures make a huge difference. This BioShock-inspired texture pack turns even normal Minecraft constructions into something very creepy.

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Re: Bioshock!

Post by norb »

I'm more into the game and although I do not like it as much as the original, it is excellent. The problem is that it's not scary. I like some scary. It's not dark, it happy, cheery, and deadly. Absolutely beautiful, we put it on our TV and just watched, it was awesome. Although I don't agree with many of the viewpoints he expresses in the game, I really enjoy the fact that it's breaches those subjects. It's a real story with real seeming people, like living a book, which I like best. The girl character and the handling of her is by far the best I've ever seen.
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Re: Bioshock!

Post by norb »

The battles are awesome, but I'm bored. Where bioshock drew me in with it's story, I'm bored now and could not care less. I don't know what's going on and I have to be close to done, but I willingly stopped playing because it was just not exciting. Where in bioshock I could not wait to see what was going on, here I kind of know, but really don't care. I would even say bioshock2 was better than this. It's still a great game, but it can wait. Maybe there is such a twist at the end that I'll be drawn back in, but it's not looking that way now. I only give myself these luxuries once in a while because usually we are working hard on something and I just don't have the time.
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