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Franco Prussian Mod?

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 6:21 am
by dedonta
Brand new to this game & pardon if this is an old tread...but has anyone ever done a Franco Prussian Mod for the game...loving every minute of it so far!!


Re: Franco Prussian Mod?

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 9:06 am
by Saddletank
Welcome to the forum!

I haven't heard of one. I am not sure SoW would cope with a period that late. French doctrine was to open fire with the Chassepot from the hip at up to 1200 yards and blanket the enemy in a kind of plunging area fire. The Needle gun had an effective range that went out to around 500-600 yds. The efficiency of Prussian artillery might also be a problem for the gameplay balance. FP battles also tended to encompass huge areas of land, most of the maps in SoW are only 5 miles square which I don't think is big enough and most of the SoW maps are not flat enough to represent northeast France.

If the mid 19th C in Europe is of interest the 1859 Austro-Italian War would work very well since then everyone had ACW style Minie rifled muskets and muzzle loading smoothbore cannon still.

Re: Franco Prussian Mod?

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 1:32 am
by dedonta
Good points...just the beauty of these battles and the awesome zouave uniforms got me thinking. THanks

Re: Franco Prussian Mod?

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 11:40 am
by rudy
There was someone on these forums, about 2 years ago (?), who posted some preliminary mods for download, for either the Austro-Prussian or Franco-Prussian War. I remember the uniforms were quite colourful.

Sorry, not much help.

Re: Franco Prussian Mod?

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 5:24 am
by Saddletank
Good points...just the beauty of these battles and the awesome zouave uniforms got me thinking. THanks
Yup. the 1870 French army was very gaudily uniformed. The Algerian Turcos units had powder blue uniforms and the cuirassier cavalry was basically unchanged in costume from Napoleonic times.


I think to incorporate the kinds of large ranges and manouver distances seen in 1870 you'd need a game that was set at a higher level than the battalion/regiment/squadron/battery. If the manouver units were brigades and the maps were 10-15m across I think such a game would work well.

Re: Franco Prussian Mod?

Posted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 10:57 pm
by Don
It wasn't done for SOCW, but it was done for TC2M. The problem with the version found on Medafire is that it is corrupted, so you really only get the frame from which to select options, battles, etc. It included lovely maps of Europe during the wars, but I could not judge the scenarios, since I never got to play them.

Re: Franco Prussian Mod?

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 5:51 am
by Deckard

I am also new to the forum but have been playing SOW games on and off for awhile now.I was wondering if maybe a mod for the Crimean War would work?I think it would be set in simlar time frame and simlar weaponary to the American Civil War.Be nice to command the famous light brigade in its ill fated charge at Balaclava.


Re: Franco Prussian Mod?

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 1:45 am
by Los
Is the issue not being able to find the original working mod? I have used it often with TCM2. I used it for an online campaign I ran running both sides while implementing the commanders' wishes.

Here is a video of the forces and some of the action, would be great to see this in SOW.

Re: Franco Prussian Mod?

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 3:16 am
by Pom
Hi Deckard,

I'm working on a Crimea mod at the moment,made good progress,but still a bit to do.


Here's the Light Brigade,plus some others.
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Re: Franco Prussian Mod?

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 3:23 am
by Saddletank
Beautiful. Have you asked Norb for a job yet? ;)

These look like your usual hi-res works of art - had you plans to do a lower-res version?