Could I be you someday?

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Could I be you someday?

Post by Doebs »

I would appreciate some feedback from some of the more experienced members. Maybe I am jumping the gun here, since I am new to this game and am still learning the basic mechanics, but as I play these user scenarios that some of you have created (and which I really enjoy), I can't help but get the desire to make some scenarios of my own. So, in regard to this, I have two questions: 1.) is this a realistic possibility, based on my technical experience level (or lack thereof, on which I will elaborate), and 2.) would it even be worth it? (i.e. are there even enough SoWGB players after the Waterloo expansion?)

My technical experience is this: pretty much nothing. I have no programming experience. Not even photoshop experience. I have the basic rudimentary computer skills (i.e. I'm not as bad as my grandma on her dial-up internet connection). What I do have going for me is this: I have a great affinity for the Civil War, I am pretty well informed on it, but most of all, I am willing to put in the time to make an accurate, quality product. So, from those of you who know the amount of work that goes into making a map and scenario from scratch, how realistic is my desire to join the ranks of designers?

Furthermore, if it is achievable, can anyone provide guidance as to the first step (or two...or three), just to get the ball rolling? I see there is the "scenario generator" in the mod section. Does that include all the software necessary to fulfill my dreams? And as far as research material regarding OOB's and topography, where should I start? I have the gist of the major commanders of each army, of course, but as far as detailed OOB's down to the regiment, not so much.

Lastly, regarding my second question, is there even enough of a SoWGB community remaining to make such a quest worthwhile? I have to admit, to overcome my laziness, my vanity would have to be appeased--in other words, with the amount of work required, I would hope that someone other than myself would be interested in playing the scenarios too.

Thanks for your time, and thanks for the great game. It truly is a work of art. Is that cheesy to say? Oh well.
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Re: Could I be you someday?

Post by RebBugler »

What I do have going for me is this: I have a great affinity for the Civil War, I am pretty well informed on it, but most of all, I am willing to put in the time to make an accurate, quality product. So, from those of you who know the amount of work that goes into making a map and scenario from scratch, how realistic is my desire to join the ranks of designers?
It all starts with motivation, and that appears solid by your statements.

Along with the SDK (Scenario Development Kit), a new scenario editor will be released soon. When it's available, read the docs, try it out...AND ASK QUESTIONS. I assume many folks will be trying it out so there should be lots of readily available information.

Good Luck with your modding quest! :)
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Re: Could I be you someday?

Post by Doebs »

Oh cool, when does the new scenario editor come out?
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Re: Could I be you someday?

Post by Leffe7 »

Hi Doebs

Randy was referring to the Waterloo SDK and Scenario Editor.
You posted in the Gettysburg section, so I assume you want to mod this game? You can find the Gettysburg SDK here:

You will not need programming skills. To start creating a Scenario, start with an existing Scenario and OOB and start modifying its files using Notepad or Excel.
If you can outline the idea of your Scenario in more detail, other members can guide you there.

I created the Scenario Generator for GB, but you will need Excel to run it.
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Re: Could I be you someday?

Post by Doebs »

Indeed, I was referring to scenarios for SoWGB. Gracias. I don't suppose this includes the required software for making maps from scratch, does it?

My desire is to eventually create a campaign covering the confrontations of Grant and Lee during the Overland Campaign. I understand that this would be quite a large endeavor. The existing Cold Harbor map could be used, and perhaps the Chancellorsville map since the battle of the Wilderness took place nearly on the same ground, but Spotsylvania, North Anna, and the siege at Richmond and Petersburg would have to be made from scratch.

Does anyone have good insight as to where detailed OOB's can be found?
Last edited by Doebs on Tue Sep 01, 2015 7:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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